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Geeky/Nerdy t-shirt Online Companies Review.

Hello kiddies!

One again, it is that time again! (sorry for the semi-rhyme).

So, as I have stated before I want this blog not just to be regurgitation of news that I find on the net, but I also want to give my opinions and reviews on things that I am personally familiar with either because I've seen it or have bought them for myself.

I've been thinking long and hard about it and I really want to give my opinion on a couple of t-shirt companies that I have acquired their products from, so let's begin!

I know that there are a bunch of well known and independent Geek/Nerd tee companies, but the ones I will be reviewing today will be: TeeFury, RiptApparel, and TeeTurtle.

You may be asking, why just those? Well because I have personally bought from them more than once and I am very familiar with their assortment, style, quality and shipping process.

And I felt that, this will help you guys make a informed decision if it is in case you would like to order from them in the future.

Let's begin!

TeeFury- Every t-shirt company has their own artists and designes that make them unique to others (which is good) and this t-shirt company is no exception. Their art ranges from many fandoms in Geek/Nerd culture. You have the funny/joke shirts, you have the more artistic style and the "cute" style as well. But when it comes down, there are certain things you need to be aware of. 

  • Not just t-shirts: I believe that they are not just  solely a t-shirt company. Many of their sketches/art can be purchased as hoodies, stickers, wall-art. So, be mindful when you are browsing and make sure when you are ready to make a selection you click on the correct item that you want to purchase.
  • Pricing is a bit on the high end. Compared to most other online t-shirt companies where you may end up paying a total of $20 something dollars, including shipping + handling, this company's t-shirts do sell on average about $18-26 (not including taxes, and the rest). So, yes, it is at the higher end of prices. Now this only includes t-shirts, the prices for hoodies, stickers, etc. do vary, so you also have to keep in mind that when you are ready to purchase.
  • Quality is another huge factor. Ok, here is where it might get a bit ugly, jk. Honestly, I have mixed comments about this. I think it is a 50/50 chance you take. But there are also other factors that go into this. How well did you follow washing instructions, how much you use them and overall take care of them. A while back my husband bought me a "Geeky Hallows" t-shirt from TeeFury, and at first, like a brand new t-shirt things were fine. But over time the actual print started to fade away. Now, we never wash with hot or warm water (we use cold every single time), but when it comes to drying, well, I try to make it warm, not pipping hot. So, I'm truly not sure if it was due to the constant wearing, or the fact that the print wasn't able to sustain the warm heat from the dryer. Overall, the t-shirt itself, is fine, but unfortunately, the print has nearly faded. i also own a Kaylee print, and although I've been even more careful with that one (when I've need to wash/dry it) I also have been noticing that it has slowly started to fade here and there. Overall, the prints are awesome when they first arrive, but the more you use it, the possibility of it starting to fade away will be. So, either don't use it as much or wash it with COLD water, but let  it hang dry and do not place it in the drier, just to prolong the vibrance of the print. 
But honestly, if I am going to spend 26-30 dollars for one t-shirt, it is kind of lame that I have to take care of it THAT much in order for the print not to fade away faster. Of course, we should always take care of the things we own so they last longer, but THAT much effort for one t-shirt can be tiring after awhile, just saying.

  • Shipping Wait/Delivery. The normal shipping waiting period (that is not expedited) is 4-6 weeks. And I'm glad to say that most of the time that I have order from this company, there have been no problems with shipping or arrival dates. The only time that there was a much longer wait is because one of the t-shirts that I had ordered had been "back ordered" so I had to wait for probably 2 weeks extra until they had more shirts. Again, this is only for t-shirts, since I have not ordered for other products, I can't confidently say if it takes longer or less.
  • Sizes. When it comes to sizing the range from S, M. L, XL, XXL, and there are also women's sizes. THey come in the traditional S, M, L, XL, XXL but they are a bit snug, due to the fact that the t-shirts are cut as "junior style," so I recommend getting one size bigger because they do tend to shrink a bit when you wash them. If you are planning to buy the XXL, I do believe they do charge a bit more, but most of the time it is ranging about $2 more. For some of their designs there are also t-shirts available for kids. Just make sure when browsing, you check to see if that particular design also has kid sizes.

RiptApparel- Is another t-shirt company that I recommend. The styles of a bit more "raunchy" and by what I mean by that is that the humor at times is more geared toward adults. There are different designs, and depending on the artist, it may be sweet or more adult humor. But, when the t-shirt arrives, the quality of the t-shirt and the print is top notch. You really don't get the "sticky" feeling, like if the print had just come off the press that day. The prices are a bit more comparable to TeeFury. Overall, I really love the designs, and would completely recommend them. 
  • Pricing. Compared to TeeFury, RiptApparel is comparable. a t-shirt averages about $15-18. Aside from just t-shirts, they also have a section for tote bags as well, but unlike Teefury, I haven't seen them branch out to other items, like hoodies, stickers, etc. I could be wrong, so you might want to check their website in order to  be certain. (the price of the t-shirt excludes the shipping + handling)
  • Quality. Now, the difference for this t-shirt company is that their t-shirts (not the prints) seem to be a bit more sturdy and what I mean is that the type of t-shirt that they use, is not so much heavier, but it looks/feels a bit more durable compared to TeeFury (for some of the t-shirts they use a softer/lighter cotton blend). RiptApparel, uses a more cotton stronger/thick t-shirt. This also helps out the print to be significantly more durable against wear and tear and especially the washing machine/dryer. I personally own a "She can Do it!" Deadpool themed t-shirt and since I bought it, it has gone through a couple of washes and the print is still vibrant. No fading or cracking. 
  • Shipping/delivery waiting period is not as bad as other t-shirts companies. Compared to Teefury, my delivery from RiptApparel seemed to take less (about 2 weeks, approx.). Which to be honest, it was an absolute joy to not be as tortured to wait around for it. There is a way that you can track your package and unless there is no inclimate weather, your delivery arrives on the expected date.
  • Sizes. The website offers for men: S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL; Women: S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL; Youth: XSML, SM, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL, as well. Now a recommendation for women, the t-shirts are a bit snug, so you might want to get a size larger, specially in the chest area (if you are heavy chested).
Teeturtle- I'm going to try to not sound so biased, but if I fail, I apologize. And it's not because the aforementioned t-shirt companies are not worth it, or that they are subpar, but I seriously love, love Teeturtle. Not only are their t-shirts awesome but the quality is undeniable. 

  • Pricing. Compared to Teefury and RiptApparel, Teeturtle is far more accessible when it comes to price. Do not be misled though, despite that they are not AS expensive, that doesn't mean that their products are ''low quality" on the contrary, one of the surprises is that despite their accessible amount, the t-shirts are exceptionally worth every dollar. Most of their t-shirts range from $15-20 (exluding shipping + handling). The newer released t-shirts are $15 but older t-shirts are $20. Teeturtle's style is "cutesy" but at the same time they have this interesting "black humor." Yes, they do feature cute turtles, unicorns and bunnies, but they are carrying knifes and chainsaws (that is the black humor). There is variety to choose from within Geek/Nerd culture.
  • Quality. Their t-shirts are made from a more lighter, breatheable cotton and their prints do not have the annoying "sticky' feeling. Despite that they are not made from heavier cotton, they are very durable and resistant to the washer/dryer. The print is also highly resistant espcially in the dryer. The colors still are vibrant after many many cycles. Obviously, if yo want to extend their longevity, having them hang dry is always the best option for any t-shirt with a print on it.
  • Not just t-shirts. There are online t-shirt stores were they only make t-shirts, but Teeturlte as makes adorable plushies of their mascots, and they have some selection of socks. Most socks are knee high, but they are also very durable and the quality is excellent. So, if you are in the mood for not just a shirt, also venture into acquiring one of their plushies/or socks.
  • Shipping/delivery arrival. Every time i have the opportunity to order from Teeturtle, I am confident that my items will arrive on time and in excellent conditions. Their normal waiting period is the typical 4-6 weeks (new designs take 2 weeks longer due to the printing and assembly) but honestly, it never feels like 4-6 weeks with regular t-shirts.It always feel like about 2 weeks, but realistically it is probably 3. But still. even if you order three-4 items (that are not "new designs") the package arrives safely at your doorstep. Since I have started ordering from them not ONCE have I had to call customer service for a problem. The order always comes through on time and accurate. 
  • Sizes. If i were to say that this is the only "but" of Teeturtle because unfortunately, the only sizes that are available are for men and women. As of late, there are some t-shirts that do have the option for "kids," but there aren't many. You need to scroll down the t-shirt you are interested in to see if they do have a "kids" option. The sizes are Standard: S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL; Women's Ultra Slim: S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL; Women's Relaxed Fit: S, M, L, XL, 2XL; Kids: XS, S, M.

Please take into account that the websites that I featured here do have a "grab bag" day or "clearance" "vault" area, in which certain t-shirts (older or re-stocked for a limited time items) can be purchased for a lower amount than originally priced. It is up to the online stie and just keep up by signing up to their newsletter to check when those days will be. They also have incentives in which you buy certain amount before taxes and you can apply it with a coupon that goes toward shipping/handling. 

Again, just make sure you read the details on their websites.

Happy t-shirt hunting!

Til' next time!


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This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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