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And the Reboots & Sequels continue!

Here we go again!! As much as I try NOT to sound whiny or have a rant in every stinkin' blog post, sometimes, I just can't help it.

I embrace change when it is merited, I think that re-vitalizing certain movies or genre is awesome, specially when the original ones might need some boost or as I like to call it some "Umpf" to them.

What I do have a problem is when very successfull CLASSICS that are beloved by MANY many fans get the unnecessary "Umpf" added to them.

It is truly a love/hate relationship that I (maybe even many of you share) with reboots/sequels.

And how do i know this because today I bring you two excellent examples of my love/hate relationship with the subject matter, lol.


If you haven't yet heard the news, recently not only was it unveiled the new Might Morphin Power Rangers logo for the up and coming reboot movie, but also the internet community got to see a first glimpse of Elizabeth Bank's version of Rita Repulsa. Yes, the dastardly villaness who not only united the Rangers but made their life even more interesting than just high school at Angel Grove is back. And to be completely honest, I'm feeling the vibe for now of what is being released.

I try to maintain objective in most instances, but sometimes it is hard when a lot of my time as a kid revolved around the Power Rangers. I even made my Dad go buy me a freakin' poster (it was more so a tantrum than anything) and had it hung on top of my wall behind my bed. Yes, that is how important they were to 8-9 year old me. And I'm sure they were too many many other kids who grew up in the 90s.

Now, here is where I say I have love relationship with reboots/sequels (I know it is a reboot) because as awesome as MMPR were back in the day (to 8 year old me) I seriously think that they have the potential to make them even better (and with better graphics) than before. Sure, the nostalgia of the "Original" series will always be there and we will always cherish it, but a move about a t.v. show like this could greatly benefit from today's cinematic technology (and of course, awesome story-telling).

I know that when we re-watch episodes, now as 30 something adults, we think "boy, those costumes were so cheesy..." but it is the good kind of cheese, and then you get flashbacks from when you actually saw the episode for the first time. You're transported to that time and for a couple of hours you forget that you have responsibilities. 

But can you imagine with an incredible script, crew, actors and well balanced special effects, bringing back the Rangers will be even much more cooler. 

My point is there is room for improvement, (not that they were bad to begin with)  in story development, technology, and the characters can be expanded and brought current to 2016.

For me, this is a good thing, and this is a very GOOD idea. Bring in fresh new faces, storylines, everything but keeping the essence of what the Might Morphin Power Rangers stood for.

So in this case a reboot is a good thing. I leave you with the link for the picture below. Do you agree or disagree? Comment on the comment box, would love to get your take on it!

Welcome back to the Circle K, in the U.K.?!

Although it had been rumored off and on that there would be a sequel (three-quel?!) continuing to follow the adventures of Bill and and Ted, there was never really a confirmation of it, until now.

Browsing through, I found an article where Alex WInter (Bill) basically confirms that there WILL be a three-quel to their original Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and latter.

And as excited as I would of hope to have gotten, I basically face palmed myself so hard, I had to take an ibuprofen afterwards, seriously.

So, the article mentions that this time the pair's adventure would be mostly in the U.K. where they would meet famous historial figures, blah, blah.

The twist is that apparently they are on a quest to write the legendary song for their Wyld Stallyns that would ultimately bring world peace.

So far it sounds, somewhat interesting, but as I kept reading along, I had a couple of questions.

So, basically is the same thing; meeting historical figures, having them akwardly interact with modern day things, take them back home and save the day? Hmmm... yeah, no.

From the simple synopsis, it sounds repetitive. We've all seen both films, and as much as we enjoyed it, the films at the end I think were made to end the way they did.

WE know that their band ultimately brings world peace and humanity base their world peace bringing song for a better future, we know that they eventually end up basically being these bone-headed dudes who just happen to write songs that inspire and transform society. We get it. 

The characters were originally not meant to grow, they were meant to be exactly who they were, bone-heads who happen to get lucky. That is why the films are so endearing and funny. 

IRL when you think of life altering documents, artifacts, people you don't think of people who are like Bill and Ted characters, you think of Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, The Emancipation Proclamation, E=MC2, Anti-Apartheid legislation. 

The point is, the story line for both Bill and Ted movies were for fun, comic whimsy and irony, but other than that, there is not much room for the characters to continue to develop. The story line isn't meant to go further on, but apparently Alex Winter and the team he is collaborating with, think there might be.

And here is where my hate relationship comes with sequels, when a good storyline comes and you make the movie, but if the storyline or the characters are not meant to grow, LEAVE IT ALONE!!!

From time to time I do enjoy watching Bill and Ted's because it is fun, but I am not going to sit and ponder when or how the characters finally wrote that life altering song, I basically just assumes it happens. And I think basically this is how the movies are meant for you to take see it, as well.

There are obviously other reasons for WHY not making a sequel(s), iconic characters, cult classics, much beloved actors, etc etc.

Talking about much beloved actors, I will bring the point that one of the reasons why these movies were so awesome was thanks to Rufus, who was played by none other than by the very missed  comedian, George Carlin (R.I.P.).

Part of the charm was Carlin's portrayal of Rufus in this film.... and to think that he will not be part of this fim, basically is a huge blow (at least for me) to not have a reason to watch this up coming three-quel.

His contribution was important, and whether or not he would have accepted to reprise the role, we will never know, but not having Rufus in this film, basically will not be a Bill and Ted. We will basically just have an old Bill and a better conserved, Ted.

I absolutely loved and had even more respect for whom ever decided to pull the plug on a Galaxy Quest sequel (when there were talks) because they realized that without Alan Rickman, the dynamic would just not be the same.

I applauded the hell out of that, because not only did they decide to honor his memory and not have a replacement for his character (seriously, who would ever possibly replace Alan?!) but also a respect for the fans who probably would have boycotted the project anyways.

Hence, this is why I am very very skeptical about reboots/sequels because on one hand, it could be awesome and make the franchise have more "umpf" or it could just totally ruin a classic.

What are your thoughts on this? Agree, disagree?! Let me know below on the comment section!!

Btw, here is the link to the article:

Til' next time!!


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This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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