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By the Old Gods and New!!

Helloo kiddies!! 

For those of you who might have bumped into a couple of my posts in the past, you know that 1. I don't like to be a "Debbie Downer" or just mainly a whiner and 2. I am adamant about spoilers.

And what does this post have to do with the above mentioned?! Absolutely nothing... just kidding.

It actually has to do more with #1 than #2, but I guess #2 sort of ties in, a bit.

Anywhoo... my point is that I have a little confession to make, I did not (on purpose) watched at season 5 and some episodes of season 4 of HBO's Game of Thrones.

Yes, I know the Old Gods and New will curse me for eternity!

And here is one of, or should I say the main reason why I actively decided not to watch, was because the parts of the story line that were introduced by the creative team in the show were just not interesting enough for me and were somewhat infurating to say the least.

Yes, I have read ALL of the books and YES, I am aware that HBO and their creative team have (and were given permission) to make the show be different and molded to their creative expertise.

I am aware of that (before you start beratting me about it) but the point was that certain plot points that I thought were crucial to the story line, 1. could have been handled better 2. should have been included.

Which plot points am I talking about specifically?

Well, here is where rule #2 comes into play and for once I will bend this rule, due to the fact that I will assume that most of you have already seen seasons 4 & 5, for sake of time. If you have not, and do NOT want to have anything spoiled, please EXIT now out of this post and enjoy the rest of my posts which are spoiler free, Thank You!!

Ok, anyone still here? So, what I will be addressing is part of season 4 since, I sort of watched it, but also will be addressing some of the other parts (which I read online) that were talked about on season 5.

I will not go into detail on what happened in the plot/storyline (again, assuming everyone is caught up) but I will basically give you my thoughts (how boring, I know) on why I thought this particular storyline was just bogus.

The Greyjoy attempt at a rescue of Theon by his sister. WHAT?! How was that even necessary?! It wasn't, I felt that was just a filler to add on to. Asha in the book, has a somewhat significant role but that only comes into play in book 5... but I understand that the writers thought it might add an element of character development to Theon in becoming 'Reek,' and leaving behind his former self.


Talisa Stark's background in the book her name is NOT Talisa and she is not a foreigner. She is actually a noble woman from a lesser house who are pledge to the Lannisters. I get that the writers wanted to make this like a tragic love story in between the bloody mess, but the original story (on how Robb broke his promise to the Freys) is far better in my humble opinion. Oh, and also, she's not pregnant in the book and is definitely NOT at the Red Wedding. This seriously peeved me because again, I thought that the conflict that arises from Robb Stark's judgement in breaking with a dangerous and treacherous ally/enemy is FAR more complex than the dumb love story the writers tried to pull.

Twincest/Rape Scene was just utterly uncomfortable to watch. We get it, the Lannister twins really really LOVE each other, but the scene were basically Jamie rapes Cersei is just not fitting, specially when their douche-y ex-King/Son is right there. It was just creepy to watch and to be honest I think many of us were left wondering, WHY did HBO decide to go that route.

Sansa revealing herself to the Vale as Sansa and not Jane, was another moment were I just rolled my eyes at. I'm not sure where that one was going, but from what I heard, it really didn't go anywhere, other than revealing who she is. Like the viewers didn't know?

Sansa marrying Ramsay Bolton, NO, NO, NO in the book Sansa is hidden at The Eyrie/Vale not with Ramsay! Poor Jane (her handmaiden or former) is the one who gets stuck in the miserable part of Sansa (under threat of course, by the Lannister) to endure bat-shit crazy Ramsay. How is that relevant because later in the book it serves for "Reek" to finally snap to his senses and regain a bit of "Theon."


While HBO was promoting season 5 they made a huge fuss about the Sand Snakes, and to be honest, I did get a bit excited because in the book, the Sand Snakes are cunning, vicious and intelligent women who are out to get revenge on the Lannisters and The Mountain for the loss of the Red VIper and Rhaegar's family. Well it turns out that they were just eye candy because their characters were lacking substance. HBO seriously downplayed their pesonas and basically made them seem just, bland.

Myrcella Baratheon/Lannister's death.... umm, just no. I get that in the show, the "Baratheon"/Lannister children aren't ALL that important (except for maybe the one who happens to be on the Throne) in order to move the story along. Mostly the main characters have already been seen for more than two seasons, and I get it, it is an easy way to fasten the ultimate plot. But, in the books, Myrcella being a Dorne is actually more significant and crucial. And yes, she is NOT dead, at least, not yet.

No mention of Young Griffin, Old Griffin subplots. By the end of book 4 and all through book 5 new characters are introduced and subplots are created that overall may seem like they are not important, but can and potentially are. But, it is safe to assume that HBO bypassed all this for time purposes.

And of course the one storyline that got every hardcore fan upset about is... Lady Stoneheart?! HBO where is she?! Why isn't she in your show's adaptation?!

Ok, I will stop there (although i can probably think of more) but DESPITE all of this and well knowing that some story lines cannot be added due to the fact of budget and time constrictins, I had truly hoped that they would make it to the final cut.


HBO executives have mentioned that they are mainly sticking to the "main" story of the saga and I can understand that.

Also, I can understand why they may be throwing more curve balls to the audience due to those people who LOVE to spoil things, just because they feel entitled. 

This way they can try to keep everyone happy.

Despite all of the above mentioned the reason why I decided to make a post, is because as of recently we've been given glimpses of the upcoming 6th season and to tell you the truth, I am intriguided.

I am hoping that this time, HBO can keep me intriguided with what is coming up in Westeros. 

I don't want to get ALL my hopes up, but I do want to give Game of Thrones another try and see what they do for this upcoming season.

I also definitely want to see the storyline development for Tyrion, Jon, Arya and the White Walkers.

Despite the not so good storylines, there having been also great ones as well.

Specially the one involving the White Walkers, since in the books, there presence is being felt and there are clues here and there, but HBO went further than that and actually made them appear sooner. The mystery surrounding who and what are they (specially their leader) is really intriguing. 

So, will I be tuning in for the season 6 premier, you bet!

Til' next time!!


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This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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