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X-MEN: Apocalypse Review.

Hello kiddies!! How was your three day weekend? I hope that those who were able to get some fun in the sun, enjoyed themselves.

Anywhoo, so, this past Saturday, I got to go see X-MEN Apocalypse in theaters and although I will not make a synopsis (for those who might not still haven't seen it) but i will give mainly  the pros and cons from the movie.

Alright, so let's start!

The Pro's:
  • I feel like i need to mention this first because if I don't I won't be able to live with myself, lol. QUICKSILVER!! Despite that this X-Men film was a bit more darker in tone, Quicksilver was absolutely wonderfully used in this film. Mainly because at one point of the film, the audience gets to be reminded of WHY he is called Quicksilver, but it is done, with playfulness (despite the surroundings) and specially with the song they chose to accompany the scene with, it was just very well put together. 
  • The darker tone to the film. it wasn't just a "super hero film" in the sense that a bunch of gifted individuals partnered up and saved the world from a power hungry alien/villain. Each individual character struggled within. Unlike Age of Ultron, in which Tony Stark's arrogance basically is the catalyst for the ' birth' of Ultron, where we start seeing the cracks in the team, Apocalypse deals with the aftermath of mutants being exposed to the rest of the world. Yes, humanity knows that there are these mutants living among them, but how much should they trust and fear them? And in turn, these mutants also living in constant fear that if they are to be discovered, who will they encounter, foe or friend? In addition to dealing with a mutant who believes himself a God. 
  • Magneto. Throughout the X-Men movies, his character has been portrayed in a different light. Not so much on the villain, but this character that although is capable of doing villainous things, isn't intrisically neither bad/good. This installment. After last films incident, Magneto pretty much wants to hide and for a while he has, and we find out that during his hiding, he has made a family. He only wants to live a quiet life, in the happiness that he has created and hopes that will be stable. Until, certain events and all of that is taken away in the most heart-breaking way possible. He is hurt and obviously, this is when his villanous tendencies flourish (with the help of Apocalypse). But, Xavier reminds him that despite his immense pain, he still  has family to live for (meaning Quicksilver) and that he still CAN make a difference in the world and have that affect in a positive way how humans see mutants.
  • Nods, cameos and references. There were a couple of nods, cameos and references in the films, but my favoitess were: 80s references of pop culture and Cold War era. I also enjoyed the reference when Jean tells Cyclops that "we all know the third one is not the best" alluding to the third installment of the franchise. And obviously, the Hugh Jackman cameo as Wolverine. Which was very touching, specially, on how Jean Grey and Wolverine (without saying anything) interact with each other. Obviously the nod to Weapon X program which we all know links Wolverine (who was mentioned as 'Weapon X' and Deadpool). Last but not least, Stan Lee's cameo, of course! Did you guys catch him? 
  • Jean Grey. When i first heard that Sophie Turner had been cast for the iconic role, I was a bit weary. Not that she is not a fabulous actress, and so far, she has done a fantastic job as Sansa Stark, in GOT. But it was also because of that role, that I was a bit concerned. Sansa out of all the Starks, in the book and the beginning of the show is the most useless one. She's and idealist, and innocent. It takes her A LOT to get to finally come out of her shell, and start acting like she owns the place. And I was concerned that Sansa's characteristics would transend her portrayal of Jean. But I was stunned to see that was not the case at all. Sophie's portrayal of an insecure, soft but potentially sure and confidant young woman transcended. I absolutely loved when she finally decides to step up and embrace her incredible abilities against Apocalypse. So, yes the film execs. did an amazing job in casting her.
The Cons:
  • Psylocke. Ok, before you start bashing me let me explain! It wasn't her, but how little time she had in the film. i was truly disappointed that during the trailers it looked like we would get to see a lot more of her character,  but in reality, she has very little film time. Most of it was spent on Charles, Magneto, Jean & Scoott, overall, on EVERYONE ELSE but Psylocke. What gives?! I think I am not the only one that was disappointed, but yes, I was. Unless she gets a film of her own (which that would be awesome!) i honestly think they didn't give her enough film time.
  • This might be MY own frustration, but i seriously hope that by the end of the film, someone would have told Eric that Quicksilver was his son. I know that it is implied that he somehow knows or feels it, but for me, I think it would have brought him more solace if he actually knew.  
  • I was kind of hoping that both humans and those mutants fighting Apocalypse would join together and fight him, but at the end, there as a handful of mutants battling against one very powerful, delusional mutant.
  • Although, his cameo was touching and it was a treat, I had wished that somehow Wolverine would join the rest of the mutants in fighting against the villain. Specially knowing that these will be the last times we see Hugh Jackman in his iconic role. But, again, I understand that if the film executives have other plans, well, they have other plans.
  • Jubilee. Ok, she's a lot of peoples' least favorite mutant (she just shoots fireworks) but I had secretly hope that they would do a bit more with her character, they didn't. She was mainly there to fill space, so, I guess, she will continue to be the least liked, lol. This also focuses on the newly introduced mutants, I think the film focused a bit too much on the ones we already know, but not enough on the ones they introduced ib this film.

There are a lot more scenes that I liked and dislike, but if I mentioned ALL of them, this ould just get very boring. So, do I recommend watching X-Men: Apocalypse, yes. Will you be disappointed in certain aspects either because you were hoping for more or more similarities with the comics, yes. But overall, it is an enjoyable film. I do not recommend taking chldren who are younger than 10, due to tone, themes of the movie. 

For those of you who have also watched the movie, what did you guys think? Do you agree or disagree? Have other viewpoints? let me know in the comment section below!


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This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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