Hello kiddies!!
By now most of you have already heard that ABC has announced various names of t.v. shows that are and will be cancelled and to a lot angry fans one of those shows on the chomping block is Agent Carter.
Like many of you I'm very sad to hear this announcement. I think that we had yet to see so much more from our favorite leading agent.
But unfortunately that is the decision of the studio.
And what are my thoughts on this? Because you all know I can never just BE quiet, lol.
Well, I like many of you think that not only did the studio make a huge mistake, they went the easier route.
And what do I mean by this?
Well, first of yes I am aware that Agent Carter was originally meant to be a filler show while Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was on hiatus, but from the beginning when they realized that this show meant to a lot of fans, specifically women, instead of kind of advertising they should have tried a better attempt to have it have more exposure.
And by exposure I mean, advertisement. Season 2's promotion for it was just horrid. I feel like they almost promoted it because they had to, as if to say " hey, here's the show, if you watch it good, if not that's OK too." The timing was also kind of bad for season 2 because it was on when people were either too tired or still working and couldn't catch up to the episodes.
And it is a real shame because Peggy Carter was an incredible force and the way Hayley Atwell made her be was perfect. A bad-ass, intelligent, beautiful, charming agent who could play and hold her own with the big boys.
She was a role model for many young Geek girls who are somewhat limited in feminine heroines in the big screen.
I am aware that there are strong female characters in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but they are not LEADING and headlining the series. It is not THE LADIES OF S.H.I.E.L.D., and although I have no problem with showcasing both men and women and their bad-assery, unfortunately, most of the time it is the men who get most of the credit, not the women.
In Agent Carter it followed the LEADING role of PEGGY, not Sousa or Jarvis, it was PEGGY and her accomplishments, her abilities.
Jarvis and the rest of the cast were integral but they meshed well with her (or against her) but it wasn't just ALL about Peggy either, the other characters had (and i think with time would have developed fantastc storylines) interesting personalities that made you want to watch them. But now we will never know.
Just recently it was announced that Black Widow is finally getting her own stand alone film.
FINALLY!! And that is my point, we don't just want to see strong male characters, but we want to see STRONG female characters, who we identify and admire. And most definitely, Peggy Carter was a positive example of what it means to be a strong leading lady.
Specially in an era that was far more oppressive towards women, seeing Peggy thrive despite her nay sayers was always a joy to watch. Her vulnerability, yet her courage to face at every turn adversity and confronted with dignity was an amazing example of what women then and now have to go through on a daily basis.
I think that ultimately, ABC did a mistake and it is their loss.
Carter, Sousa, Jarvis had so much to offer and I would have love to see their character development throughout the seasons, but that will most likely not come true now.
I do hope that maybe Netflix may take an interest, or there is enough fan indignation in order for ABC to reconsider. Perhaps another network? (not FOX though, lol).
One can only hope, and I will keep my fingers crossed that this isn't the definite goodbye to the wonderful Agent Carter.
And I do hope that ANY t.v. network, studio, etc., keep in mind that yes, these comic book based shows/movies bring you a lot of revenue, but please do not forget that things are changing and unlike years ago where it was more of a stereotype that only MEN were NERDS/GEEKS, we GEEK women/girls want to be taken into account. WE are valuable and WE are a source that brings you revenue, please do not turn a blind eye to us, and keep us in mind that we also READ and ENJOY comic books, despite what either you or "polls"/"statistics" tell you.
Taking away important role models from our community is definitely not the way to do it.
On the bright side, Supergirl will NOT be cancelled but will be joining the CW, which means that she will may have definitely more cross-overs and appearances on Arrow & The Flash, which will help boost her own show as well.
In that, I guess it is not a complete loss of strong female role-models, so in that case, it is not so bad. But it would have been better if both t.v. shows had survived.
I leave you with a link of the many t.v. shows that will no longer return to the small screen:
So what are your thoughts on all the cancellations? Are you mad, did you see it coming? Let me know on the comment section below!!
Til' next time!
This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.
By now most of you have already heard that ABC has announced various names of t.v. shows that are and will be cancelled and to a lot angry fans one of those shows on the chomping block is Agent Carter.
Like many of you I'm very sad to hear this announcement. I think that we had yet to see so much more from our favorite leading agent.
But unfortunately that is the decision of the studio.
And what are my thoughts on this? Because you all know I can never just BE quiet, lol.
Well, I like many of you think that not only did the studio make a huge mistake, they went the easier route.
And what do I mean by this?
Well, first of yes I am aware that Agent Carter was originally meant to be a filler show while Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was on hiatus, but from the beginning when they realized that this show meant to a lot of fans, specifically women, instead of kind of advertising they should have tried a better attempt to have it have more exposure.
And by exposure I mean, advertisement. Season 2's promotion for it was just horrid. I feel like they almost promoted it because they had to, as if to say " hey, here's the show, if you watch it good, if not that's OK too." The timing was also kind of bad for season 2 because it was on when people were either too tired or still working and couldn't catch up to the episodes.
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(Source: ign.com) |
And it is a real shame because Peggy Carter was an incredible force and the way Hayley Atwell made her be was perfect. A bad-ass, intelligent, beautiful, charming agent who could play and hold her own with the big boys.
She was a role model for many young Geek girls who are somewhat limited in feminine heroines in the big screen.
I am aware that there are strong female characters in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but they are not LEADING and headlining the series. It is not THE LADIES OF S.H.I.E.L.D., and although I have no problem with showcasing both men and women and their bad-assery, unfortunately, most of the time it is the men who get most of the credit, not the women.
In Agent Carter it followed the LEADING role of PEGGY, not Sousa or Jarvis, it was PEGGY and her accomplishments, her abilities.
Jarvis and the rest of the cast were integral but they meshed well with her (or against her) but it wasn't just ALL about Peggy either, the other characters had (and i think with time would have developed fantastc storylines) interesting personalities that made you want to watch them. But now we will never know.
Just recently it was announced that Black Widow is finally getting her own stand alone film.
FINALLY!! And that is my point, we don't just want to see strong male characters, but we want to see STRONG female characters, who we identify and admire. And most definitely, Peggy Carter was a positive example of what it means to be a strong leading lady.
Specially in an era that was far more oppressive towards women, seeing Peggy thrive despite her nay sayers was always a joy to watch. Her vulnerability, yet her courage to face at every turn adversity and confronted with dignity was an amazing example of what women then and now have to go through on a daily basis.
I think that ultimately, ABC did a mistake and it is their loss.
Carter, Sousa, Jarvis had so much to offer and I would have love to see their character development throughout the seasons, but that will most likely not come true now.
I do hope that maybe Netflix may take an interest, or there is enough fan indignation in order for ABC to reconsider. Perhaps another network? (not FOX though, lol).
One can only hope, and I will keep my fingers crossed that this isn't the definite goodbye to the wonderful Agent Carter.
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(Source: sequart.com) |
And I do hope that ANY t.v. network, studio, etc., keep in mind that yes, these comic book based shows/movies bring you a lot of revenue, but please do not forget that things are changing and unlike years ago where it was more of a stereotype that only MEN were NERDS/GEEKS, we GEEK women/girls want to be taken into account. WE are valuable and WE are a source that brings you revenue, please do not turn a blind eye to us, and keep us in mind that we also READ and ENJOY comic books, despite what either you or "polls"/"statistics" tell you.
Taking away important role models from our community is definitely not the way to do it.
On the bright side, Supergirl will NOT be cancelled but will be joining the CW, which means that she will may have definitely more cross-overs and appearances on Arrow & The Flash, which will help boost her own show as well.
In that, I guess it is not a complete loss of strong female role-models, so in that case, it is not so bad. But it would have been better if both t.v. shows had survived.
I leave you with a link of the many t.v. shows that will no longer return to the small screen:
So what are your thoughts on all the cancellations? Are you mad, did you see it coming? Let me know on the comment section below!!
Til' next time!
All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of ABC, CW, Marvel Entertainment, DC Entertainment, CBS, Agent Carter, Supergirl, The Hollywood Reporter, etc.
This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.
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