Hello kiddies!!
It is I again, bringing you my thoughts and what not with all things Geek. 😀
I believe most of you are aware that not only does DC is making live action films (ahem, Batman v. Superman, Wonder Woman and JL, etc) but they have also been doing pretty good tv. show content like Gotham, The Flash & Green Arrow.
My point is that there is variety when it comes to choosing between Marvel and DC content.
Anywhoo, recently (if you guys are yet not familiared with) DC/Warner Bros. Animation Studios have also released incredible storylines through animation.
And recently I was able to watch Teen TItans vs. Justice League. I have also had the opportunity to watch: The Flashpoint Paradox; Gods vs. Monsters and Son of Batman (which i particularly have mixed feelings about thanks to Damian Wayne).
Either way, I particuarly enjoy the animated films because they are can be closer iterations of the comics.
With that being said here are the Pros & Cons that I liked about Teen Titans vs. Justice League.
This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.
It is I again, bringing you my thoughts and what not with all things Geek. 😀
I believe most of you are aware that not only does DC is making live action films (ahem, Batman v. Superman, Wonder Woman and JL, etc) but they have also been doing pretty good tv. show content like Gotham, The Flash & Green Arrow.
My point is that there is variety when it comes to choosing between Marvel and DC content.
Anywhoo, recently (if you guys are yet not familiared with) DC/Warner Bros. Animation Studios have also released incredible storylines through animation.
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(Source: screenrant.com) |
And recently I was able to watch Teen TItans vs. Justice League. I have also had the opportunity to watch: The Flashpoint Paradox; Gods vs. Monsters and Son of Batman (which i particularly have mixed feelings about thanks to Damian Wayne).
Either way, I particuarly enjoy the animated films because they are can be closer iterations of the comics.
With that being said here are the Pros & Cons that I liked about Teen Titans vs. Justice League.
- Spin on Raven's origins- so up to now, most of us were aware of one of the most popular origin stories for Raven, is that Trigon an interdemensional demon raped Azarella (and a few others, I guess) and thus, Raven was born to be with her other siblings, Trigon's minions/army. Well, in this new spin, Raven's mother isn't raped, but she willingly gives herself up (following this cult, obviously) in order to have kinky sex with Trigon and thus conceive Raven.
- The destruction of Azarath- O.k. let me clear this up, I am not happy that in this new story line Azarath gets destroyed by Raven herself (trying to find out who her father was and seeking his "love" or approval, at least. But by having Raven's "home" destroyed it gives a differnet dimension to her personality. THis is a young teen (she's portrayed obviously as a teen, duh) who not only carries the burden of knowing who she is and what she is capable of, but the immense guilt of losing everything that she loves and holds dear.
(Source: youtube.com)
- Starfire is the leader of Teen Titans- yes, it is not one of the Robins (former Robin, because he is now Nightwing, yes, Dick Greyson). I love the fact that not only that she is in charge, but she proves to be a genuine and sympathetic leader to the rest of her teammates. That sympathy comes into good use specially when she has the misfortune to be left to teach bratty Damian Wayne about team work and what not.
- Damian Wayne gets his ass handed to him- Since the introduction of Damian Wayne, I have had mixed feelings with his character. He is beyond cocky, an asshole and he is not afraid to show it. He is eager to please and have others recognize his capabilities, whether they like it or not. Ever since, Son of Batman, I've absolutely HATED him, I couldn't stand his character potrayal, so when a particular scene came up in this film, in which Blue Beettle kicks the ever living out of him, I was extremely pleased. His character needed that humbling down, and potential to grow.
- Damian Wayne's complexity- It is hard to imagine to have an incredible amount of pressure to please and follow in your family's legacy, not only is he the SON of Batman/Bruce Wayne but he is also the son and grandson of Ra's Al-Guhl (his mother is Talia). Those are heavy legacies that a pre-teen/teen has to live up to. Until he was sent to the Teen TItans, his childhood was non existant, he was basically raised from birth to follow in his grandfather's footsteps. No fun, layback, do whatever you want after your training, just having training after training drilled into you. During a part of the movie, the Teen Titans (Starfire's brilliant idea, with the help of Dick) take the opportnity to bond with one another. He finally gets to experience what it is like to be a kid, for a couple of hours, which makes him realize that, yes he is a bad-ass, yes it is important to train, but having relationships and getting along with your team can also be of value. At one point, Damian wins a prize in one of those tossing games. and gives his toy sword to a little girl, which to be hoenst, made me hate him a bit less.
- Damian and Raven- Both have so much to relate with. Being the product of undeniable legacies, is hard enough to deal with and having them bond over that, and the fact that they are so complex that they are not understood all the time, gives the movie a perfect opportunity to show case their layers and have them mesh perfectly together. Not sure if I want them to have per se 'romantic relationship' but I do see them getting closer in the future, which I think it will be very good for them both.
- Teen Titans and Justice League- Whether it was fighting against each other (when Trigon was possessing them) or working side by side in order to stop Trigon from destroying Earth and helping Raven, but it was one of the most AWESOME parts of the movie. Seeing Wonder Woman head to head Starfire, or Blue Beetle help out The Flash, it was absolute epicness (if that is EVEN a word, pretty sure it is not, but let us pretend it is).
Of course I am not going to TELL you the entire plot (so you guys can watch, if you haven't or re-watch) but now here is some of the cons that I didn't enjoy about the film.
- Sailor Moon-esque scene- Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with Sailor Moon, but there was a scene in the movie where the Teen Titans were changing into their super hero outfits, and all of the sudden, I felt like I was transported to an episode of Sailor Moon. Yes, the entire cheesy, turning around while their outfits are being put on, kinda ruined the moment for me. I couldn't help but laugh. There was this serious moment, instense, and all of the sudden it gets thrwated by Sailor Moon-esque scenes. Really?! Not sure if it was supposed to be a gag thing, but it ruined it for me, because the film is a dark in not only the subject matter but the style of animation.
(Source: ign.com)
- Talking about akward placing, there was another scene which was just cringe worthy. Yes, I get that this movie was mainly made for adults or older audiences, and not so much for kids, I get that. But there is a particular scene in which Starfire and Nightwing are video chatting and after she tells him about how Damian is being himself (a big pain in the ass), and after Nightwing suggests that they should let Damian see another side of them and have fun, he then proceeds to suggest to Starfire tht they have video chat sex. I was, "Escuisme," I get that they are presumed to be in a relationship and all of it, but did the writers REALLY had to go there, and at that time?! Were they trying to come off as raunchy?! Because for me, the only thing that came off was Nightwing being a bit of a creep.
Other than that, I absolutely loved the movie and I do hope that they keep doing more animated films. They have an outstanding team and with good writers, actors I think that more storylines can be told through this format.
So, if you guys have not had the chance to watch it, download it, buy it and sit back & enjoy.
For those who have, what are your thoughts? Could they have done something different? Do you agree or disagree? Let me know in the comment section below!
Til' next time.
All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of DC Comics, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation Studios, screenrant.com, youtube.com, ign.com, etc.
This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.
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