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I just realized that probably the majority of GOT fans are sadomasichists and we know it.

Are you guys still recooperating from last night's episode?

Holy Finckle Juice, seriously GOT show runners, you guys just like to torment us with this incredible pain & anguish.

So, if you haven't SEEN last night's episode, DO SO NOW, just make sure you have a handfull of kleenex boxes with you because IT IS a tear jerker, in more ways than one.

You guys know that I'm not much about spoilers and I try to avoid them like the plague or in this case, like Greyscale.

Anywhoo, after last night's GOT episode "The Door," there are probably thousands of theories of what it all means, and this time I'm not so much giving you MY theories, but a realization that I know many will agree with me. 

If I were to ask you who you think was the most dangerous character in GOT, who would you say? Euron, Yara, LittleFinger, Sir Pounce? I believe that the most dangerous one is: Bran.

Why? I think you know where I'm going with this, but hear me out:

During one of his green dreams, where he calls his father's name and Young Ned, suddenly turns around but doesn't notice anything. Well, that was somewhat unclear to whether  he did or not hear Bran, but by the way the Three Eyed Crow reacted (concerned) was somewhat of an indicative to the possibility.

Now, with this latest episode, it has been a bit more cleared up into whether it is possible for Bran to alter and interact with characters from past and future.

Meaning, that he is the most dangerous character in Westeros. Can you imagine. that after the events of "The Door" Bran knows for sure that he CAN alter events, outcomes? Holy Smokes, that means that if he wanted to he could go back in time and kill every single person who has  done his family wrong? Or he could alter events in the future to his favor and NO ONE could stop him, because NO ONE (at least yet) knows his whereabouts.

Can you guys imagine if he finally is able to reunite with Jon & Sansa? They can easily take out the Boltons from Winterfell and reclaim the North. Or for that matter any other House, if they were to get a hold of Bran and know what he can do, could certainly unleash even more chaos to their advantage.

There are SOOO many possibilities and questions still but so far, I am seriously enjoying this season (unlike last season, which I had a hissy fit, yes, I'll admit it).

Now this will be wishful thinking but here is what I would love for the showrunners to incorporate:

COLD HANDS!! And specially after the events of last night, it would be fitting place to put him with Bran and Meera. It will be pefect timing for the mysterious Cold Hands to appear (or a chacter similar to Cold Hands in the book) but I guess we shall see on how HBO's plans work out.

And if you guys are still traumatized by last night, well if it is any consolation, Bran's faithful friend/carrier is safe in the books... for now, atleast.

We desperately need something light-hearted after all the heart crunching moments of yesterday, so I leave you with this:


But for now, excellent job HBO!!

A Tale as Old as Time...

Ever since Disney decided to do their live action re-telling of their most famous and endeared animated movies, starting with Cinderella, I personally have not been too thrilled about it (yes, you can BOO me all you want). Why, because the animated movies that MANY generations came to love and still do, are now getting the CGI treatment, that I think they don't need.

And as much as I am glad to see the return of Emma Watson (forever Hermione) to the big screen, I see it completely unnecessary. And it's not so much do to their A+ actors, or the story, but because IT'S NOT NECESSARY!!  

The story has already been told, we know the music and song lyrics by heart, c'mon Disney, this is just another way to squeeze more pennies out of your fanbase.

I've only seen the live action Cinderella, once (and that is due to my daughter, not so much cuz I wanted to) and I did not even bothered to go see The Jungle Book. So, as much as I would love to go see Beauty & the Beast in theaters, out of prncipal, I won't.

I have no problem with Once Upon A Time, because the show is original, but incorporates different dimensions to fairy-tale stories that we all grew up with. It has originality without butchering the characters that are so iconic. It also incorporates not only Disney fairy tales, but other legends that might not have been done by them. But it works, because we see a different take and different side to the characters' personalities. That is original and it definitely interests me more than the same story, same songs, retold the exact same way, just with live-action thrown in with CGI effects. 

BUT, that is MY own personal convictions, which means if you guys are going to go see it, enjoy!!

Nevertheless, I leave you with the link to the teaser trailer:

Til' next time!!


All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of Disney, HBO, George R.R. Martin,,,  etc. 

This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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