Hello kiddies!! I do hope all of you had a safe and fun weekend, so once again I am bringing you news that have been circulating on the past couple of days and giving you my take on them.
So, we begin:
Over the wekeend Trekkies/Trekkers got to finally see a teaser for the upcoming Star Trek Series and a new trailer for Star Trek-Beyond. And let me tell you the buzz that has been generated comes with many mixed reviews/opinions.
Ok, so for the series, many people noticed that it had the original loga and soundtrack, and it was assumed that the tv. series will once again focus on the crew of the Enterprise. Despite what the showrunners have said, that the show will focus on a NEW crew & ship. Well, the internet being what it is there are some people who have not taken to this news lightly. Many have spoken up that they feel like the tv. show will basically be a "J.J. Abrams" styled Trek and that the Trek that many fans came to know and love is gone. There were some who were positive and are looking forward to it.
Here is the way I see it, for those who are gruntled by the reboot universe, and basically saying that Abrams ruined Trek and it's philosophy, I really don't think he did. I seriously think that the philosphy is still there. Roddenberry's legacy for his show is still much alive, but in the case of the reboot movies, it is not appparent, but that doesn't mean it is not there. Trek has not lost it self, and part of the culture and essence of the show is to EVOLVE, learn and be accepting of new things, experiences, etc.
I get it, TOS, TNG, DS9 & Voyager were incredible shows, and if those are more your cup of tea, then fine, but just because Trek is evolving and involving a bit more action to tell a story, to address important issues, that doesn't mean that it is not Trek at its core.
As for the tv. show teaser, I think that the showrunners wanted to showcase traditional lettering and sound in order to convey a specific message: to pay homage to the original TOS series. It is an excellent way to show their respect, but also gratitude to the legacy and the fans that still WANT to continue to see more space exploration.
Telling a story or making important issues aware and talking about it doesn't necessarily mean a show were all the characters just sit around and talk. There must also be motivations, actions in the story in order for the character/issue to be presented. If I only wanted to see dialogue, I would just sit and watch 'The View' or new sources who focus on just the issue at hand.
Although Trek does distinguish itself to be more a philosophical show were there is more dialogue/negotiation rather than running around killing foes or escaping, there have been episodes were characters have faced challenges in a physical way/action. I don't understand where some fans are so easy to criticize the reboot movies, in which they claim it has become more of a sci-fi adventure rather than Trek.
So, what is not philosophical about Spock loosing his home planet, and dealing with the dilemma of taking revenge on Nero who destroyed his home planet (ethical dilemma of would it solve or restore Vulcan?) or continuing to do the right thing and help the survivors relocate to save their culture?
What about Into Darkness?
in which way did it not have ethical/moral issues? Oh, because having a wanted criminal out for revenge to a power hungry Admiral who completely misconstrued the mission statement of Starfleet? What about the ethical dilemma of when is the line crossed between a "peace keeping armada vs. a military armada" drawn? The admiral who used Khan's own family in order to use him ( is blackmail not an ethical issue?).
I understand that the new tv. show (i hope) will focus more on the ethical and philosophical side that is not overt in the reboot Trek movies, but just because it is not at plain sight, doesn't mean it is completely not there. I think that it adds texture that the issues aren't obvious, it makes you think further about the different implications and dilemma. I also think it adds a bit of realism. Why? because in real life many of the ethical/moral dilemmas that we face are not always apparent, they are well hidden, or weaved within mundane things. So to expect that we can spot or discuss these dilemmas off the back is unrealistic.
I get it, we (as fans) are used to a format, that is iconic, I get it, but we also should embrace a new format, part of the legacy of Star Trek is to evolve. How many times did Captain Picard did not say to Q or any other adversary that humanity had evolved from being frighten creatures to more tolerant and enlighten men/women. Meaning that change for them meant an opportunity to learn and better themselves, well what about that credo? Are we not Trekkies? Are we not proud of what our fandom represents? Well lets prove it!
At the end of the day, for those who are gripping about whether or not they will watch the new series or the next installment of the reboot movies, I say to you, that if you don't like it, there are other ways that you can purchase/acquire TOS, TNG and the other iconic shows that you love. That is fine, if you don't want to have anything to do with the new formats, that is up to you.
But for those who are willing to give this ever changing Star Trek, let's hope that we are not disappointed and keep enjoying our fandom.
So, I leave you guys (like always) with the links to the teaser for the tv. show and the new trailer for Beyond.
Do you guys agree/disagree? What are your thoughts on all of this, let me know on the comment section below!
Live Long and Prosper.
New trailer for Beyond:
Teaser for Star Trek t.v. show:
Thor- Ragnarok:
Good news! Over the weekend Marvel released through various media sources, the names of actors who will be either reprising their roles and/or joining the MCU for Thor- Ragnarok.
And yes, the list is epic.
So, obviously Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddlestone are included to the returning cast (not to mention Elba, Hopkins & others) but the new names added will be Cate Blanchett as Hela, Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster, and Karl Urban as Skurge (Asgardian warrior/guard).
Ragnarok set to be released on November 3rd, 2017.
And for those of you who might not have had the opportunity to read the comics (in which it is based) Ragnarok falls into the timeline while Civil War storylines are happening as well. Yes, simultaneously due to the fact that in the comic books, Civil War has MANY storylines inter-woven within the main conflict.
So are you guys excited?! I know I am! What do you guys think about the new names added? What would you ugys like to see incorporated Ragnarok (MCU) that is in the comics? Do you want something different to happen? Let me know in the comments below!
Oh, and before I forget, here is the link to more details on the movie:
Til' next time.
This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.
Telling a story or making important issues aware and talking about it doesn't necessarily mean a show were all the characters just sit around and talk. There must also be motivations, actions in the story in order for the character/issue to be presented. If I only wanted to see dialogue, I would just sit and watch 'The View' or new sources who focus on just the issue at hand.
Although Trek does distinguish itself to be more a philosophical show were there is more dialogue/negotiation rather than running around killing foes or escaping, there have been episodes were characters have faced challenges in a physical way/action. I don't understand where some fans are so easy to criticize the reboot movies, in which they claim it has become more of a sci-fi adventure rather than Trek.
So, what is not philosophical about Spock loosing his home planet, and dealing with the dilemma of taking revenge on Nero who destroyed his home planet (ethical dilemma of would it solve or restore Vulcan?) or continuing to do the right thing and help the survivors relocate to save their culture?
What about Into Darkness?
in which way did it not have ethical/moral issues? Oh, because having a wanted criminal out for revenge to a power hungry Admiral who completely misconstrued the mission statement of Starfleet? What about the ethical dilemma of when is the line crossed between a "peace keeping armada vs. a military armada" drawn? The admiral who used Khan's own family in order to use him ( is blackmail not an ethical issue?).
I understand that the new tv. show (i hope) will focus more on the ethical and philosophical side that is not overt in the reboot Trek movies, but just because it is not at plain sight, doesn't mean it is completely not there. I think that it adds texture that the issues aren't obvious, it makes you think further about the different implications and dilemma. I also think it adds a bit of realism. Why? because in real life many of the ethical/moral dilemmas that we face are not always apparent, they are well hidden, or weaved within mundane things. So to expect that we can spot or discuss these dilemmas off the back is unrealistic.
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(Source: comingsoon.net) |
I get it, we (as fans) are used to a format, that is iconic, I get it, but we also should embrace a new format, part of the legacy of Star Trek is to evolve. How many times did Captain Picard did not say to Q or any other adversary that humanity had evolved from being frighten creatures to more tolerant and enlighten men/women. Meaning that change for them meant an opportunity to learn and better themselves, well what about that credo? Are we not Trekkies? Are we not proud of what our fandom represents? Well lets prove it!
At the end of the day, for those who are gripping about whether or not they will watch the new series or the next installment of the reboot movies, I say to you, that if you don't like it, there are other ways that you can purchase/acquire TOS, TNG and the other iconic shows that you love. That is fine, if you don't want to have anything to do with the new formats, that is up to you.
But for those who are willing to give this ever changing Star Trek, let's hope that we are not disappointed and keep enjoying our fandom.
So, I leave you guys (like always) with the links to the teaser for the tv. show and the new trailer for Beyond.
Do you guys agree/disagree? What are your thoughts on all of this, let me know on the comment section below!
Live Long and Prosper.
New trailer for Beyond:
Teaser for Star Trek t.v. show:
Thor- Ragnarok:
Good news! Over the weekend Marvel released through various media sources, the names of actors who will be either reprising their roles and/or joining the MCU for Thor- Ragnarok.
And yes, the list is epic.
![]() |
(Source: ironman.wikia.com) |
Ragnarok set to be released on November 3rd, 2017.
And for those of you who might not have had the opportunity to read the comics (in which it is based) Ragnarok falls into the timeline while Civil War storylines are happening as well. Yes, simultaneously due to the fact that in the comic books, Civil War has MANY storylines inter-woven within the main conflict.
So are you guys excited?! I know I am! What do you guys think about the new names added? What would you ugys like to see incorporated Ragnarok (MCU) that is in the comics? Do you want something different to happen? Let me know in the comments below!
Oh, and before I forget, here is the link to more details on the movie:
Til' next time.
All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of Disney, Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Comics, Star Trek, Paramount, Bad Robot, moviepilot.com, Gene Roddenberry, movieweb.com, CBS, comingsoon.net, etc.
This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.
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