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FCBD 2016 at 4 Colors Fantasies...

Hey Kiddies!! 

Sorry I have been a way for a couple of days, but I've been trying to sort out a couple of things and also not only did FCBD 2016 fall on a Saturday, but the day after was Mother's Day, so i was out celebrating, sowwy. 

So, here I go with how I spent my FCBD at my local comic book shop. 

For many of you who don't live in the Inland Empire, CA, we've been having extreme weather, so the day of the BIG day, the weather was really menacing.

First of all, I probably didn't get too much sleep the night before because I was getting things ready for Saturday, sandwhiches, water bottles, etc.

We woke up around 6 AM and quickly got ready and by 6:45ish, we were heading out to our local comic shop.

Now, when I mean "local" I mean that this shop is approximately one or two cities away from where we live. But honestly, this is ONE of the best local shops.

The atmosphere at 4 Colors has always been welcoming, both staff and those regular costumers are always welcoming. Staff is amazing, always willing to help and going out of their way in order for you to be satisfied.

Ok, before I go into a tangent.We arrived at the parking lot around 720ish and what I first noticed that the line was long, but it wasn't ridiculously long like last year.

We got into our space of the line and set up our chairs and belongings.

While we were waiting, I kept noticing that the skies would all of the sudden get grey and then the sun would come out. It was annoying but it wasn't un-manageable.

Something that I did notice was that last year, about the same time, the line would be almost wrapping around the building, but this time, it only came not even half way. I thought it was odd, but my husband did mentioned that there could be contributing factors for this year like; Captain America: CIvil War had just came out, the weather and that it was a day before Mother's Day. 

What I honestly had me a bit worried was the cosplayers. I am NOT  a cosplayer, but I LOVE cosplayers. I love the effort, art and everything that goes into cosplaying your favorite character. And secretly, I am envious that they are so creative and lucky that they can put together incredible costumes that just wow me. Anyways, like I was saying I was worried that this year not or at all, any coslayers would show up.

Thankfully, after a while they did start to show up and I was seriously relieved.

Part of why I love going to cons (when I can and I have $$) and events like this is because I feel at home, i'm with other people who love comics, who celebrate Geek culture and i just feel like i belong.

I get to meet incredible people and this time it didn't dissappoint. 

While we were in line, my husband and I striked up a conversation with a couple of guys who were also waiting in front of us.

This seriously helped past time, and before we knew it the line started to move along.

At first, it moved slowly, but it started to pick up pase when the event officially opened up at 11 AM.

As we kept advancing near the entrance, we kept going to the car and putting away unnecessary items that would only make more space for us. By the time we got to the door, we were ready with two hands to look around and snatch up items that we wanted.

I've been going to FCBD for three years now, and the first year i can say that was the most messy in organization.

That year, the entrance to the shop was just one huge line and most of the independent artists were outside in this maze that led to the entrance to the shop. 

The year after, the shop finally got smart and rented out an empty space on the same building where it put the artists and independent dealers in there, it wrapped around on the back and then you would enter the shop from the back door and the tables for the free comics would be the first on your destination. If you wanted to look around the shop you were welcomed, but if you didn't you could just grab the free comics and exit out.

This was the same format for this year.And although there were AS many people at the time we went in, by the time I came out we noticed the line had originally grew. There were more poeple coming and definitely more cosplayers. 

One of the things that I love about 4 Colors was tht they try to take into account everyone, so for the last three consecutive years, they had a bouncy house for the kids and also let blood donation trailers be at the event and those who are interested in donating blood can.

Of course, if you do decide to donate blood, you get extra perks from the store, as a way to say thank you.

It differs year by year, but last year, we got an extra button, 10 extra free comic book picks and other goodies.

Of course, if you don't want to you can't.

They also have contests for those who cosplay and want to enter in it.

Overall, I was not disappointed, I had a fun time meeting new people, taking pictures with cosplayers and just mainly supporting my local comic shop.

Overall, FCBD 2016 might not have been as packed but the important thing is that we had fun and got to enjoy everything about it. From the people to the cosplayers and I'm definitely looking forward to next year!!

If you guys live in the Inland Empire and want to support this amazing shop, here is the website:

TIl' next time!


All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of 4 Color Fantasies, Free Comic Book Day and Maria Rivas, etc. 
This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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