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The Geek Revolution.

Hello kiddies!

O.k. so searching the internet for interesting topics, articles to share with you, I bumped into this article by Geek and Sundry, where it mentioned that Valentino and other high end artistis/creators are starting to take note and interest in Geek/Nerd culture and mainly fashion. 

The article references Valentino doing a Wonder Woman "inspired" collection and also made a reference to M.A.C. releasing a make-up line for the 50th anniversary for Star Trek. Which, I also had mentioned this in previous posts (sans Valentino/Wonder Woman collection) and as I kept reading, i seriously started to get a gut wretching feeling about what i was just hearing.

Let me make this VERY clear, I AM in favor of celebrating MY community. And I'm saying this in MY POV. I do not OWN the Geek Community, nor am I the "LEADER" of a autonomous community that is made up of so many diverse people and POV's. I get it, but I do care about a community that I belong to and that I have always embraced uniqueness, individuality, and has fostered creativness in all its forms.  

We have been the underdogs for so many many years, being constantly mock in mainstream media for being the akward, studious and socially inepts. But over the years, mainstream has finally figured out, that WE do have a lot to contribute and that our hobbies/fandoms are actually viable and awesome.

And yes, I have celebrated that now a days most films are comic book based films that bring in lots of $$ to the industry and that it is easier to get more accessories like shoes, clothes, etc. that are inspired/based on fandoms.

And here is where I am entirely conflicted, because thanks to The Big Bang Theory, MCU, DC and other mediums, Geek is the new Cool, but at many times I also wonder, at what price?

When I read that Valentino did an inspired Wonder Woman clothing line, and another couture artists made a dress using Hatsune Miku as his model, it was made even more clearer what I had been concerned about.

It is awesome (in a way) that our culture is making its impact on high end designers, they are finally realizing the imagination, innovation and creativity of our community, but also, these are HIGH-END designers. 

Meaning that their clothing lines, accessories, etc. are made for the 1% and leaves all of us who may not be able to fork out $800 for a bag in there line that was inspired by Wonder Woman.

That also brings me to another concern, (and yes, it might be a bit biased and elitist) what do these famous designers know about Geek Culture and our community?

For them, we are just a commodity that they can get more $$ out of. They never experienced being teased/bully because at our young age, we knew we didn't fit or wanted to be part of the status-quo. I may be wrong, completely wrong, but still I can't help to think about the fact of the repercussions high-end designers will have on our community.

Now, yes, a couple of posts ago I have celebrated that M.A.C. and Reebok released/are releasing their Star Trek and Alien inspired items, and I do celebrate it, but these are items that are a bit more accessible to not just the 1% and there are options. You don't need to purchase every single make-up item in the Star Trek line. 

There is also another repercussion to this, keeping the economic theme, what about independent companies?  

The reason why I celebrate Her Universe, and Loungefly and other independent Geek Culture companies is because, many of the co-founders are part of our community. Meaning they are companies that are for Geeks by Geeks. And they cater to us because they understand and know what we want or what we would like. They hold up a lot of creativity and uniqueness to their lines because they are themselves part of our culture and they just GET it. Imagine Valentino or Carolina Herrera taking their Geek cutlure inspired lines, mass producing them? There will be little uniqueness to them. For those of us who will be able to afford their collections, we will end up looking like cookie-cutter versions of each other.

Yes, i get that Her Universe does the same, but how can you compare a $65 BB-8 inspired dress to a $900-2,000 dress? Many times the price amount does not mean quality. 

Now, Her Universe and the like are examples of successful independent companies that most definitely deserve the recognition, but there credo has not changed they CELEBRATE Geek culture, it is not just about the profits.

Now, how about all those Independent/Etsy shop designers, creators and artists? I'm pretty sure that House of Couture will not be bringing in new designers/artists to help. Many of the creativity and uniqueness that many independent artists bring to the table will possibly be overshadowed by couture lines. It will be a lot harder for them to get the recognition and respect that they deserve. 

Should there be room for EVERYONE, yes and although it may seem like I'm contradicting myself, I am not.  
Ultimately, should our community still have validation and recognition? ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY, can Valentino and other high-end designers do their inspired lines, YES, but let us not forget what our community is build on, and not forget that there are OTHER independent companies, designers, artists that DESERVE the recognition. We need to be careful HOW and WHO represents our community. 

Not because I want us to be elitist, but because it is important what our community has STOOD for and I hope will continue to STAND for, for FUTURE generations; UNIQUENESS, CREATIVITY, INCLUSION, INNOVATION and IMAGINATION. 

Are we now paying a price for the mainstream exposure or at times, over-exposure? Yes, definitely, but it is also up to us to not forget that despite what the status-quo has us believed, we are still much the underdogs, and that is not a bad thing.

I believe that someone quoted perfectly what i'm trying to say:

"With great power comes great responsibility."

Let me know what you think of in the comment box below!! Do you agree with me? Am I just a butt-hurt Geek?! Let me know!!

I leave you the article from Geek and Sundry, btw:

TIl' next time!!


All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of Geek and Sundry, Her Universe, Loungefly, Valetino, M.A.C., Rebook, etc. 

This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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