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Showing posts from May, 2016

X-MEN: Apocalypse Review.

Hello kiddies!! How was your three day weekend? I hope that those who were able to get some fun in the sun, enjoyed themselves. Anywhoo, so, this past Saturday, I got to go see X-MEN Apocalypse in theaters and although I will not make a synopsis (for those who might not still haven't seen it) but i will give mainly  the pros and cons from the movie. Alright, so let's start! The Pro's: I feel like i need to mention this first because if I don't I won't be able to live with myself, lol. QUICKSILVER!! Despite that this X-Men film was a bit more darker in tone, Quicksilver was absolutely wonderfully used in this film. Mainly because at one point of the film, the audience gets to be reminded of WHY he is called Quicksilver, but it is done, with playfulness (despite the surroundings) and specially with the song they chose to accompany the scene with, it was just very well put together.  The darker tone to the film. it wasn't just a "super hero film...


I just realized that probably the majority of GOT fans are sadomasichists and we know it. Are you guys still recooperating from last night's episode? Holy Finckle Juice, seriously GOT show runners, you guys just like to torment us with this incredible pain & anguish. So, if you haven't SEEN last night's episode, DO SO NOW, just make sure you have a handfull of kleenex boxes with you because IT IS a tear jerker, in more ways than one. You guys know that I'm not much about spoilers and I try to avoid them like the plague or in this case, like Greyscale. Anywhoo, after last night's GOT episode "The Door," there are probably thousands of theories of what it all means, and this time I'm not so much giving you MY theories, but a realization that I know many will agree with me.  (Source: If I were to ask you who you think was the most dangerous character in GOT, who would you say? Euron, Yara, LittleFinger, Sir Pou...

Trekkies & Thor.

Hello kiddies!! I do hope all of you had a safe and fun weekend, so once again I am bringing you news that have been circulating on the past couple of days and giving you my take on them. So, we begin: Over the wekeend Trekkies/Trekkers got to finally see a teaser for the upcoming Star Trek Series and a new trailer for Star Trek-Beyond . And let me tell you the buzz that has been generated comes with many mixed reviews/opinions. Ok, so for the series, many people noticed that it had the original loga and soundtrack, and it was assumed that the tv. series will once again focus on the crew of the Enterprise . Despite what the showrunners have said, that the show will focus on a NEW crew & ship. Well, the internet being what it is there are some people who have not taken to this news lightly. Many have spoken up that they feel like the tv. show will basically be a "J.J. Abrams" styled Trek and that the Trek that many fans came to know and love is gone. There were...

Teen Titans v. Justice League Review.

Hello kiddies!! It is I again, bringing you my thoughts and what not with all things Geek. 😀 I believe most of you are aware that not only does DC is making live action films (ahem, Batman v. Superman, Wonder Woman and JL, etc) but they have also been doing pretty good tv. show content like Gotham, The Flash & Green Arrow.  My point is that there is variety when it comes to choosing between Marvel and DC content. Anywhoo, recently (if you guys are yet not familiared with) DC/Warner Bros. Animation Studios have also released incredible storylines through animation.  (Source: And recently I was able to watch Teen TItans vs. Justice League. I have also had the opportunity to watch: The Flashpoint Paradox; Gods vs. Monsters and Son of Batman (which i particularly have mixed feelings about thanks to Damian Wayne). Either way, I particuarly enjoy the animated films because they are can be closer iterations of the comics. With that being said he...

Oh Captain, My Captain!! (my thoughts on 'Civil War')

Hello kiddies! Well I hope that all of you had an awesome weekend doing whatever you liked to do. As for myself, this past Saturday, I was able to finally go to the movie theater and watch 'Captain America: Civil War." And... to be honest, I seriously enoyed it! It was really amazingly done despite the HUGE difference from the comics. And yes I'm aware that many 'fanboys' and 'fangirls' who have read the entire story and the different story arcs were sorely disappointed with how the movie was done.   (Source: But here in defense of the Russo brothers (like they would need any defending at all) here are some of the changes & main points that I liked about the film. Comic book nods: In the main story arc for 'Civil War' the main incident that triggers all the mess is the death of a young boy who was on a school bus in the wrong place at the wrong time. And thanks to these wanna be, B 'super heroes' who are ju...

Saying Goodbye to Captain America's #1 Girl.

Hello kiddies!! By now most of you have already heard that ABC has announced various names of t.v. shows that are and will be cancelled and to a lot angry fans one of those shows on the chomping block is Agent Carter. Like many of you I'm very sad to hear this announcement. I think that we had yet to see so much more from our favorite leading agent. But unfortunately that is the decision of the studio. And what are my thoughts on this? Because you all know I can never just BE quiet, lol.  Well, I like many of you think that not only did the studio make a huge mistake, they went the easier route. And what do I mean by this? Well, first of yes I am aware that Agent Carter was originally meant to be a filler show while Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was on hiatus, but from the beginning when they realized that this show meant to a lot of fans, specifically women, instead of kind of advertising they should have tried a better attempt to have it have more exposure.  And by ...

FCBD 2016 at 4 Colors Fantasies...

Hey Kiddies!!  Sorry I have been a way for a couple of days, but I've been trying to sort out a couple of things and also not only did FCBD 2016 fall on a Saturday, but the day after was Mother's Day, so i was out celebrating, sowwy.  So, here I go with how I spent my FCBD at my local comic book shop.  For many of you who don't live in the Inland Empire, CA, we've been having extreme weather, so the day of the BIG day, the weather was really menacing. First of all, I probably didn't get too much sleep the night before because I was getting things ready for Saturday, sandwhiches, water bottles, etc. We woke up around 6 AM and quickly got ready and by 6:45ish, we were heading out to our local comic shop. Now, when I mean "local" I mean that this shop is approximately one or two cities away from where we live. But honestly, this is ONE of the best local shops. The atmosphere at 4 Colors has always been welcoming, both staff and those regular ...