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Showing posts from 2017

Star Wars 'fans' vs. The Last Jedi.

Hey, I'm back!! Sorry it took me a while to write an entry but, I've been working like a maniac. Alright, so I leave the fandom for a bit (as in, writing) and what do I come back with? That the Star Wars fandom is all getting their panties in a twist because,  Last Jedi , according to some pissed off fan boys, did not meet their expectations/fan theories. Well, Hellooo, they're called 'fan theories' because exactly that, they are theories that fans make according to their knowledge and wish full thinking of what they would like to see happen. But neither does Rian Johnson, Disney or LucasFilm are in any way obligated to oblige ANY  of you. And yes, if you think I'm sounding a bit petty, it is because probably I am. But not as petty as these so-called 'fans' who are basically dissecting every single thing from the film in rage that it didn't, somehow, meet their stinkin' standards.  First of, Disney didn't tap any of you to continue on...

FMA (live-action) is a DUD... SAY IT ISN'T SO!!

Although, unfortunately the U.S. release for the live action Full Metal Alchemist isn't until later on, the news sources that have been able to get a pre-showing of the film, have been creating lots of buzz for this film, unfortunately, it's not the good kind. Apparently, for those who have been lucky, or unlucky enough to see the film have been shredding it to pieces, mainly in how the story is so convoluted, and takes certain beloved characters' depths and basically, dwindles them down either to sidekick roles or non existent. The obvious, is that the film relied too much on special effects, and left out the important part of what this beloved and huge anime series is known for, it's gravitas, depth and heart. Of course, like any good anime, there's lots of action and fighting, but the story and the characters that are intertwined in it, is the reason it is an emotional roller coaster, that makes following the Eldric brothers worth it. And apparently, the ...

Game of Thrones is ruining my life!!

I'M BACK, yes my long absence is inexcusable but my tablet got literally hijacked by a 9 year old all summer long, so I really didn't have any other means to write. Anywhoo, let's start!! OMFG, I'm sure most of you by now have seen the season finale for Game of Thrones season 7, right?! If not, this is your only warning, spoilers (or potential spoilers ahead). As many of you know there was a lot of game changers in last night's episode, and to be honest, it's really one of the best episodes this season. Actually, I am really happy about this season, it really up the ante on moving the story along, pace and character development. Game changing events/revelations:  A Wiki of Ice and Fire- Westeros Most of the audience and the readers knew, or at least we had a pretty good idea (for a while now) of Jon Snow's parentage. And last night, it was finally confirmed via Bran and Sam that indeed, Jon Snow or shall we say, Aegon Targaryen IS the son of ...

Changes & Twists

Can we all just get along?!?! A couple of days ago it was officially revealed that the new Doctor would be played by Jodie Whittaker and ALL hell broke loose. The reaction to this news has been overwhelmingly mixed. And to be completely honest, I am getting kinda tired about all those piss boys who just can't seem to get the grip that this is 2017 not 1950. Seriously guys you're that insecure and feel threatened by a female Doctor?! Because it does come down to this: insecurity and fear of being proven wrong. And I'm here to say, GET OVER IT.   BBC Insecure? Yes, these piss boy are insecure of having their gender "stripped" from an important role and see this as an undermining of the Doctor Who series/canon. Well, guess what? Just because you guys have your own personal insecurities about your own masculinity, that doesn't mean that others can't and have the right to succeed even if they aren't MALE gendered. But most of these guys who are ...


I hope all of you enjoyed your 4th of July, celebrating and overall just having fun, eating hot dogs, burgers, etc. Alright, so this may or may not be old news , but a couple of weeks ago, there was some controversy over an interview that was given by Alicia Silverstone, regarding her point of view of the new Wonder Woman movie.  And what she had to say was not nice, whatsoever.  In a nutshell, she said that she didn't really see what all the fuss was about, because there have been other past films that showcase female leads and that in her opinion, prior leads are being overshadowed by this new film. She goes on to give Bridesmaids and Rough Night as examples. Let me just say... " WHATEVER" . First of all, both films that she mentioned are comedies and they are riddled with nothing but stereotypical roles <gee, for someone, yes, I'm looking at you Alicia, who prides herself, in being a feminist, and wanting to empower other women, you could...


SAY IT ISN'T SO!! For those of us who were still hopeful that a new instalment of the Power Rangers rebooted franchise would be green lit, apparently, this will not be happening any time soon. Due to not so favorable box office outcomes in China <which apparently, the Asian countries were the saving grace for the film, since domestically it didn't do so well> and Japan, which executives were betting their money on for the film to exceed the amount expect for the possibility of having more installments.  According to the article on Screen Rant:  the film still had hope if it did well in those markets.  Trailers. TUBE The mixed review of the film also did not help with the decision from the executives, for now, shelve any other future film in the franchise. The reviews from different articles either liking or hating it, had an impact, but nothing had the biggest impact than $$...


Ok, so I meant to have this post publish A LONG while back, but unfortunately, I got struck with a upper respiratory infection that got complicated with my asthma/bronchitis. So, to say that I had a horrible couple of weeks, is an understatement. Coupled with the fact that unfortunately I have to work, well, it's not been easy. So, kiddies, I apologize sincerely, that I've neglected you guys, but this time, it really wasn't due to boredom, it was due to health. And yes, I know OTHER films have come out since! Without further interruptions, here is my review of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Unlike the first film, where it had much more comedic elements and was light fun, this second installment has a far more serious tone. Its pace is a bit slower for a good part of the movie, due to the build up effect, but once it finally reaches its peak, it goes from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds. The reason its pacing is a bit slow is due to the tensions that is going on w...

So Much More than a Princess: A Book Review

As of late (2016 & this year) it seems a lot of our beloved actors/actresses have been departing us too soon, and to say the least, Carrie Fisher (and her Mom) was definitely one of the loss that was truly felt around the globe. Whether you know her as 'Princess Leia' or from her books, Carrie touched many. She was witty, voracious, intelligent, witty, etc. Her last book " The Princess Diarist " is all of that and more. I'm sure so many of us, while she was promoting it, had heard of it due to the fact that she reveals that she had that affair with the one and only Han Solo (Harrison Ford). Obviously, the media picked this up due to the fact that this secret had been kept for such a long time, but this book reveals so much more, a different side to Carrie. If you haven't picked up a copy, do yourself a favor and purchase it, because it is beyond hilarious, and so Carrie. At first, the idea of having a book with pages of a journ...


Last Saturday was pretty eventful, not only was it Free Comic Book Day, but ' Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 2 ' (please don't kill me!!) hit theaters nationwide. And I must confess that I have not YET, seen GOTG, I did attend Free Comic Book Day.  Normally, for those of you who have attended this event, it is a perfect way to not just go and participate in special events (at participating shops, not all shops do this) but also support our local comic shops by giving them a boost. So it is a win-win situation. Photo taken by: Maria Rivas Last year, we were still in CA, so we went to our favorite local shop, but this year was different since we find ourselves in the East Coast side and to be honest, specially were we are, we haven't really found a local comic shop to call "home." Don't get me wrong, the shops we have visited have been great, but as many of you know, not all shops are the same. Either they have an incredible selection, but the a...

"It's Morphin' Time!"

This past weekend I (with the family) went to see the Power Rangers Movie and to be quite honest, I absolutely freakin' loved it!! Yes, I am serious and no, I have not lost my mind, lol. The Screen Rant I seriously enjoyed it, and I'm not just saying it because of the fact, like many of you, I grew up watching the original Power Rangers when I was a 'wee' one. I loved the fact that the movie incorporated many of the original elements of the beloved show, but also they re-vamped it to fit in with 2017.  So, here are some of the reasons why I seriously loved this reboot/re-vamping...?! Whatever you wanna call it! O.G.'s with a Twist: When it comes to reboots of beloved or well known shows, many reboots fall into the mistake of wanting to depart soooo much from the original material (it's almost like they are ashamed of the original content) that you are left wondering, what did you just see and why does this new rebooted franchise have the...

Battling Wizards while sabotaging mines & taking over Tokyo.

Hello kidies!! Sorry I have been on a hiatus for a while, life just seems to come at you full force and its hard to stop. Either way, here I AM back at this ol' writing thing again. (I'm kidding, about the old) It feels good to be back and yes, as much as I missed blogging about everything, being away gave me a different perspective of what I want my content to be about. A lot of times, bloggers tend to fall on "newsworthy" or the up and coming article, news, but at times, you kinda loose the sense of what you really are passionate about. What really interests you. So, yes, it was good for me to step back and re-evaluate many things. Ok, during this time I had the chance to try out new games for you guys (if you already haven't) so, yes, this will be a board game review about some of the games I got to play during my absence. Lets begin! Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle Deck Builder Co-Op deck builder game 2-4 players ages 11+ $45+ Designed and D...

My Little Pony: The Movie teaser trailer is here!!

OMG, OMG, OMG!! :::: outer squealing :::: EVERYPONY, I have news for you!!! If you haven't yet seen it, the first official trailer for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has JUST BEEN RELEASED, and as ALL of us can expect, it is filled with MAGICAL GOODNESS and glitter, yes, let's not forget the glittery-goodness! I'm absolutely super psyched by the trailer because not only does it show Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie (my favorite pony) and Princess Twilight Sparkle is flying by, they also announce the all-star cast, and a new song from none other than SIA!! I just can't wait and it might be that I'm not just hyped up by the trailer, but also by lots and lots of sugar, lol.  Anyways, I leave you the trailer so you can commiserate in the excitement! I'll be seeing everypony in theaters in October!!! Til' next time! DISCLAIMER** All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of...

What do we say to the God of Creepy Pervs? NOT TODAY.

Alright boys and girls it is time to get a bit serious about a topic that NEEDS to be addressed. It is hard enough now a days NOT to be a part of the social media machine.  Whether it is to keep in contact with old friends, acquaintances or for business, everyone and their moms' (and probably nanas too, lol) are on some type of social media platform.  Which in its positive outcomes, it connects people in many ways. it is a vessel of information and an excellent networking tool. Our community has embraced and has become a staple for us to connect with other  fellow Geeks that share our same interests. We follow favorite accounts that deal with tabletop, console gaming, Cosplay, cons and even with the celebrities that we have come to love and admire. It is a buffet of pictures, podcasts & media (in general) at our fingertips. But unfortunately, social media has gotten a dark, shady aspect too. I have noticed (and been a victim of it myself) t...