Alright boys and girls it is time to get a bit serious about a topic that NEEDS to be addressed.
It is hard enough now a days NOT to be a part of the social media machine.
Whether it is to keep in contact with old friends, acquaintances or for business, everyone and their moms' (and probably nanas too, lol) are on some type of social media platform.
Which in its positive outcomes, it connects people in many ways. it is a vessel of information and an excellent networking tool.
Our community has embraced and has become a staple for us to connect with other fellow Geeks that share our same interests. We follow favorite accounts that deal with tabletop, console gaming, Cosplay, cons and even with the celebrities that we have come to love and admire.
It is a buffet of pictures, podcasts & media (in general) at our fingertips.
But unfortunately, social media has gotten a dark, shady aspect too.
I have noticed (and been a victim of it myself) that there are online pervs that make you to want to head directly to the shower and scrub for endless hours on end.
First, let me clarify, I (in my part, can't speak for everyone) before accepting friend requests on my social medias, I check your account and actually see the pictures that you share to get an idea that you aren't either a bot or a creepy perv.
But, with human error, there have been isntances were I will get DM or PM from men (and making it very clear that I am happily married) complimenting, and later on doing 180 on me, and saying completely inappropriate things.
Recently, I had a guy, flat out tell me "NOW KISS ME" and I was 😱. It was completely out of left field and inappropriate to say the least.
I ended up responding with "I'm not the kissing type." Which thankfully, he understood.
This incident kept me thinking... if I have had these kinds of interactions, I cannot imagine how many can actually sympathize with me. |
There was no way in HECK that I was being flirty, or any of my words could be interpreted as "Hey... *wink, wink* unfortunately, he thought different.
It is sad to say that Cosplayers at cons, online also get very heavily targeted due to characters they are cosplaying as.
Just because a woman is Cosplaying Vampirella, does not mean it gives you (yes, I'm looking at you online creepy perv) to; 1.) say inappropriate things about or to them 2.) flat out "compliment" them by saying graphic sh&t.
That goes for you creepy perv ladies out there, too.... basically it goes for ANYONE who has ever done it.
Genuinely complimenting a cosplayer, or just a person because you find them attractive is NOT a bad thing, most of the time, it is welcomed. But voicing it because you think that this will somehow magically make them throw themselves at you, is NEVER okay.
Let me be real with y'all online creeps.... have your tactics, as creepy and pervy EVER really amounted to getting an actual person to change their minds' about you? Has it EVER gotten you a date?
Most likely the answer is NO, so why do you insist? (I get some of you are pathetic trolls, blah, blah) but for those of you who think that your inappropriateness will get me to throw myself at you, or for that matter anyon else, let me just spell it out.....
I*T* I*S* N*O*T* G*O*I*N*G* T*O* H*A*P*P*E*N*, EVER.
And yes, you guys can say I am sounding a bit rude, but this aspect of social media and our community, needs to stop, and there needs to be more awareness. Can we keep all the online creepy pervs out of the www? No, but by being vocal and saying that, this DOES happen, we can be more aware when we do see it happen and actually take action.
Whether you are a guy or girl, if you do see this happen (online/person) SAY SOMETHING, don't just stand around or record it, but be proactive about it.
Because it is demeaning and no one deserves to be treated like this.
I love being part of the Geek/Nerd community, and like all communites, we aren't perfect, we do have our flaws, but we should strive to be better people so we can be beacons of hope for others.
Have you had similar experiences? Let me know in the comment below!
Til' next time!
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