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Trekking through the stars with Deadites & Barbies.

Hello once !! As promised I am trying to keep up with my posts despite my work schedule. It's not easy but you guys are worth it!

So what is new in the wonderful, mystical world of Geekdom?

Hail to the King, Baby!!

Well according to some very reputable internet sources, table top gamers AND horror movie aficionados can soon rejoice because it was announced a new Kickstarter campaign has begun in order to make an Evil Dead game board, with Deadites included!!

Yes, you read that right, if the campagin is successful an boardgame company can start making an Evil Dead based board game.

So, I leave you guys the link for more information & hopefully enough of us can pitch in for this game to become a reality. Let's do this! Because honestly, who wouldn't want to play this game?! Klatu Verata, Neck tie!!

Rolling out the Red Carpet.

It is no secret that this year is Star Trek's 50th anniversary, and so far, in celebration of this special and significant milestone for the franchise & fans (of course), Star Trek has not only partnered with M.A.C. but they are also partnereing up with Mattel and releasing Uhura, Kirk, Spock & a limited edition Orion Slave girl for Comic Con.

But that doesn't seem enough, because ThinkGeek has also released officially licensed (and perfectly timed) Trek-inis for the summer. Yes, swimsuits inspired by TNG uniforms and the most useless counselor in the Enterprise, yes, I am talking about Troi (sorry, Ms Sirtis!!).

But, stop, because Star Trek officially decided to up the ante (even more) and now, they are releasing a 50th anniversary RISK, that includes ALL the captains (and unfortunately I think it includes, Archer, blah).

Anywhoo, so for my fellow Trekkies who had been dying to know and find more memorabilia, because to be honest, we've needed new stuff out there, the franchise has listened.

So, what are you guys more excited for? Barbies, make-up, Risk??

I leave you more information on the items:

Game Developer Barbie.

Finally, Mattel has started to get something right! Over the years that Barbie has been a staple of American toys and specially marketed for girls, it has received it share of criticism for its antiquated gender roles for young girls. From Secretary, to home-maker Barbie, she has done it all, but it was revealed recently, in an effort to reach a more diverse audience, Mattel will be releasing Game Developer Barbie!!

Who says only men/boys can aspire to be game developers? there are many women in this harsh industry were it is mainly male dominated, and I say, it is about time that young girls have the opportunity to dream of something else than baking cookies.

It maybe that since Mattel has gotten competition from Monster High Dolls (who are catered to be more diverse) they finally put 1+1, or the pressure of consumers who want companies to be more proactive in what they place out there in the market, whatever it may be, I am all for it!

I have always been a promonent of having women/girls have role models and aspire to be recognized within our Geek-Nerd community, in all areas. We have so much to contribute but we need to be given the chance and stand our ground to have our work speak for us, and not simply due to our gender.

So, what do you think guys? Are you excited for these news? Or are you guys just meh. Either way, let me know what you think on the comment section below!

Til' next time!


All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of Nerd,, The Mary, Mattel, Paramount/CBS, Gene Roddenberry,, Evil Dead, Renaissance Pictures, Sam Raimi, etc.
This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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