I will admit, I was an absolute mess last night with the third episode of
Game of Thrones.
I sobbed like a baby with what happened last night, that I'm still processing it all this day.
Holy sh*t! So much agony, suspense and surprises.
If you haven't seen last night's episode (for whatever reason) proceed at your own risk, because
Here are the casualties in last night "Battle of Winterfell..."
TVLine.com |
Little Lyanna Mormont, the fierce little bear fought bravely and took down Wun-Wun the zombie giant with her, but unfortunately did not make it. And I was hoping (like many people) that she would because she was just a bad-ass in her own right. But sadly, House Mormont is no longer with us.
Game of Thrones Wiki |
Sir Friendzone also perished in last night's episode in the most epic and heroic way possible, protecting his Khaleesi. Yes, Jorah Mormont died protecting the woman he loved. Til' the very end, he fought for her and I couldn't think of a better way for this amazing and tragic character to meets his end.
From the grapevine |
Honestly, Theon's character arch has been fascinating to watch. His growth and depth has been one of the most realest in the series. From ward, turncloak to Reek and then finally finding himself and knowing who he really is. He redeemed himself in an epic way by protecting Bran, (which is ironic, because when he took Winterfell, it was Bran who was there). I think it culminated and brought back his arch to the beginning. The man that died last night
WAS indeed Theon Greyjoy.
Pinterest |
Valar Morghulis... Ah, Beric Dondarrion, the Lord of Light brought you back time and time again, and it was always a mystery of WHY he wanted you alive, until last night. You served your purpose in protecting Arya Stark and helping her accomplish what she had destined to do, kill the Night King. In an epic, Hodor-esque reminiscent way you gave your last breath so, when all seemed lost, the living would triumph. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Hollywood Reporter |
Dolorous Edd had been one of the very few characters that had started out since the very beginning of the series. Despite all these tragic deaths (some more warranted than others) Jon, Sam and Edd could always be counted on to keep the realm safe by guarding the wall. Even after the wall fell, there he was, a sworn brother, faithful to the end, he died not just doing his duty, but he saved Sam's life. And now, his watch has ended.
Polygon |
Despite that she wasn't really all that much on camera, Melissandre's role last night was crucial. Not only did she help with her magic by igniting the Dothraki swords, but also by reminding Arya, in the moment when she most needed, what was her destiny. Thanks to her, Arya finally snapped back into her bad-ass self and delivered the surprise twist that NONE of us were expecting. And even despite some people commenting that they would have like for Sir Davos to end Melissandre (for what she did to Shireen), her end was actually fitting.
Bustle |
Like his namesake, Viserion ceased to exist once the Night King had been slain. Although for a good couple of minutes, we almost thought that Jon Snow would fall victim of Viserion's ice breath. But at the end, he perished in the battle. But I have a curious question, Viserion was already dead, so, once the Night King was no more, was he
dead-dead? Either way, alas he will be missed.
Mashable |
Last, but definitely not least, our last casualty is the Night King himself. Omg, there was definite moments in last night's episode where it seemed that everyone fighting in Winterfell were done for. He absolutely devastated the Dothraki, Unsullied and the rest of the large army that had gathered to fight the white walkers. At a certain point, when Dany tries to burn the Night King by using Drogon, you could see a smug look on his face. The look of someone who is unstoppable and knows it. He came close to winning but he didn't count on Arya to deal the blow that would end him (with nothing less than the Valyrian steel blade that had been Littlefinger's). I honestly don't think he got over confident, but it was something completely unexpected, and that element of surprise was enough to make the difference.
So now what? Well, there are three more episodes left, but that doesn't mean that for the one's who were left alive, will be alive all the way at the end. Who will perish? We don't know, what we do know is that now that the dead are no longer a threat, will it be easier to deal with the living? Who will Arya kill (Melissandre's prophecy, which she reminded her in yesterday's episode, was that she would close three eyes, blue, brown and green, forever). We know that she killed Walder Frey (brown eyes), The Night King (blue), who will it be with the green eyes? Many people speculate it will be Cersei, but honestly, at this point, no one really knows.
One thing is certain, yesterday was intense and I'm sure it won't get any easier after this. So, we must prepare to shed many more tears as we say good-bye to our favorite characters.
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