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Let's catch up!!

Hello World!!!

Yes, I am still very much alive, thank you very much.

No, I was not abducted by aliens, nor is it a 'Deep State conspiracy,' the most simple answer I can give you is that I have been working a LOT (yes, in the real world) and by the time I come back home I just sleep.

There's pretty much my boring explanation of where I've been for the first three months of 2018 😄.


and no, I'm not going to even try to catch up, but I will basically start from this point on.

I finally got caught up with the MCU and now, I (like the rest of the entire world) is waiting for April in order to watch Infinity War.

With that being said, I have my own theories of who will make it out alive and who will not ( I will need to bring lots of tissue paper, cuz' it'll be a cry-fest for me)

Instead of concentrating on who'll die, I want to concentrate on who I hope will make it out alive...

First of let's start with Bucky. (seriously, stop laughing!) and no I'm not saying this just because I have a major boner for Bucky, but mainly because after all he's been through (at least in the MCU) I honestly, think that he needs to be cut some slack. Yes, I know that he DID in fact kill Stark's parents, whom definitely, not deserve to die, but he was doing this because of his shitty mind control thing. So, he was even coherent to know what he was really doing. If he had the full use of his faculties, I think he wouldn't have done it. So, yes, he deserves to not just make it out of the film, but also I think he is the best logical choice to don the Captain America mantel.

Don't get me wrong, Falcon deserves it too, but Bucky is and has always been Captain America's long-time buddy, and I think that he also epitomizes the ideals to be the next Captain America.

And now that I mentioned Falcon, I hope that he also makes it out alive, he really is an amazing character and I seriously would love to see him team up with Bucky, because despite all the tension they had at first, I think they'll hit it off as friends (mainly basing it on that scene with Agent 13-Captain America, and Bucky-Falcon approving their kiss).

Ok, now I'm regretting saying that I only wanted to concentrate on who I wanted to survive, LOL.

Continuing on:

I definitely would like to see War Machine cuz' he's been through a LOT, specifically after the events of Civil War, I think he earned it.

I would like to see Doctor Strange come out of it, but we shall see (he is the holder of one of the Infinity stones) so, let's keep our fingers crossed.

Nebula and Gamora are also on my list of characters who I would like to see make it out alive, as well.

I could go on, but at this point, it would just be a list, and NO, I don't want ALL of them to come out of it alive, I actually do see some kicking the bucket, but like I mentioned before, I really don't want to give out names because, I just want to wait and see what happens. In other words, my bias can potentially affect others.

So, 'mum's the word'!!!

Can April 27th come sooner???!!!!

Aside from Infinity War, there's Deadpool 2 movie that I'm also anxiously waiting for. I honestly think that DP2 can top the first movie (yes, and it's rare that the second installment will be better than first) but  having Ryan Reynolds back as Wade, well, it's magic, because he IS Deadpool.

Besides, I so want to see his interactions with Cable!! Also, seeing him team up with some of the X-Force members, I seriously, want to see them get absolutely annoyed by his high-jinks, lol. So, HECK YEAH, I'm pumped!!!

Aside from the already stated and very obvious films that are coming out this month, I really don't have any interest in seeing the upcoming Jurassic Park, or any other movie. And don't get me started with the Han Solo very solo movie, it looks absolutely unnecessary and ridiculous! We don't need it, nor has anyone really asked for it?! Anyways, if you want to watch it, I hope you enjoy it, I'm probably going to be sitting in my couch and re-watching something else.
20th Century/Fox

Anywhoo, so, which movies that are coming out in theaters are you pump up to see?!


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This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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