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Showing posts from June, 2016

Goblin Kings, Merchandising & Capt.

Good afternoon kiddies! Hopefully you're week has not been as torturous as others. Anywhoo, I'm sorry I kinda went missing for a bit but due to my flunctuating schedule, it was hard to find a bit of time to write. Nevertheless, I am here and ready to bring you interesting topics/news. Let's start... You Remind Me of the Babe: Attention Pop Funko Collectors, if you have no clue, but yesterday, one of our favorite collectible companies announced that they will be releasing in September, official Labyrinth Pop Funkos. So, now for those of us who collect these Pops, we will be able to own our own Jareth, Sarah (with Worm), Ludo & Hogwarts, ahem.. I mean Hoggle. What is more awesome?! Well it looks like Ludo will be a 6" instead of the normal sized collectibles. I'm super psyched!! (Source: (Source: "Merchandising, Merchandising!!...

Trekking through the stars with Deadites & Barbies.

Hello once !! As promised I am trying to keep up with my posts despite my work schedule. It's not easy but you guys are worth it! So what is new in the wonderful, mystical world of Geekdom? Hail to the King, Baby!! Well according to some very reputable internet sources, table top gamers AND horror movie aficionados can soon rejoice because it was announced a new Kickstarter campaign has begun in order to make an Evil Dead game board, with Deadites included!! (Source: Yes, you read that right, if the campagin is successful an boardgame company can start making an Evil Dead based board game. So, I leave you guys the link for more information & hopefully enough of us can pitch in for this game to become a reality. Let's do this! Because honestly, who wouldn't want to play this game?! Klatu Verata, Neck tie!! Rolling out the Red Carpet. It is no secret that this year is Sta...

Family Game Night.

Hello kiddies! Anywhoo, so as of late I had been thinking that although I have reviewed some table top games, deck builders, cooperative board games, etc. I haven't really reviewed or commented about family friendly games that EVERYONE in the family can enjoy. My husband and I are avid table top gamers, more so than console, but we also like to take into account our 8 year old daughter. The awesome part of table top gaming is not only the strategy and mechanics of game play, but it truly brings people together. There is table talk, and it is basicaly different personalities coming together and enjoying the same game. Anywhoo, so I am aware that for many family games denote the traditional board games of yester year, like Monopoly, Guess Who, Sorry, etc. But now a days, there are many different kinds of table top games that younger players can join. Here are some suggestions (that we have personally played, and our 8 year old has enjoyed so far): Catan Junior- For those ...

In Memoriam.

Can we just skip 20116  already?! 😭😭😭 I wish I could bring awesome and happy news all the time, but unfortunately life does not permit. I'm sure most of you know by now that Anton Yelchin, who among many roles, recently portrayed Chekov in the reboot franchise for Star Trek, passed away today at the age of 27. This year has been strenuously hard with the deaths of beloved and talented artist and actors.  Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Prince have all left a wonderful legacy of work for generations to come, and although Anton was young and his legacy not yet complete, he left an undying and irreplaceable work that many of us will continue to enjoy.  I sincerely wish my most deepest condolences to his family and can only say how truly sadden I am for his untimely death.  May time give you the solace  and strength to carry on and may the light and love always embrace you. And for all Trek fans, let's make him proud. (Source: **DI...

Fury of Dracula

Hello kiddies!! What is dead may not die, but rise again!! LOL, just kidding, sorta.  I know I really don't have excuses as to WHY I've been gone (work and other stuff that's happened) but I'm here now. So, what do I bring to you today? I will be giving my review/comments on Fury of Dracula . No, it's not a movie title but a boardgame (table top) by the makers of Fantasy Flight Games company (who are also responsible for White Chapel ). It is a 2-5 players, and it is a one versus many deduction game based on Bram Stoker's Dracula. And they are not kidding that it is one versus many! So one player gets to be Dracula and the rest of the players get to be the Hunters. There are 4 hunters with their own special abilities and weaknesses. Dracula gets his own mini map and the players get to place their designated character token on the board, Dracula gets to place in his mini map.  The interesting thing about this game is that it is a very much 'cat ...

Bastards, Dragons & Demi-Gods.

Hello kiddies! Oh how have I missed writing to you guys!! Sorry I have not been able to publish at least once these couple of weeks, and yes, I do remember I did promise you guys to try to publish as much as I had been. Sowwy! It's been a roller coaster for me, from my weird schedule for work, and all the drama that's happen, it has been a bit hard to get my mood into writing. But I'm back!! OMG, there are SOOO many news that I need to tell you guys, if you guys still haven't heard of. So where to start? The Battle of the Bastards O.k. HBO better deliver this very and I mean VERY anticipated battle (after the fiasco with Cleganebowl of last Sunday) and as always, the internet realm is a buzz with theories and expectations for this upcoming battle. Who will win? Who will perish? Well i do hope that is NOT everyone's favorite bastard (and I'm not talking about Ramsay, 😜). Also I'm hoping that Jon Snow will not die, since he technically already d...

In My Own Words: Marvel Princess Leia

Hello kiddies, so far I hope you guys are having a good work week, & 'Never Give up, never surrender', the weekend is almost upon us!! 😅😄 Anywhoo, sorry that I've been a bit away from blogging, but since I have been cleared to go back to work, on light duty, I've been again running around (figuratively of course) like a chicken with its head cut off. So, please bare with me, I will try not to neglect you guys as much as I did, but I will try to at least post two per week. Ok, enough blabbing on my part, what do I bring you guys today? News from the watercooler? Nope, Geeky apparel/items, NO, I bring you another review! Oh, boy...  Yes, I know, sorry bare with me, I promise to make this more entertaining that the last two. So, what am I reviewing today? Aside from table top games, clothing, accessories, etc.? Well, a couple of months ago, I picked up a copy of Marvel/Star Wars: Princess Leia from my local shop.  And I am aware that this is an older comi...