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More D.C. Superhero Girls...

Under normal circumstances I'm usually the one who loves to sleep in whenever possible, specially on the weekends, but who doesn't?

Anywhoo, last Saturday was a bit different because the 1st episode (of many, I hope) of D.C. Superhero Girls aired on Boomerang. So, before the scheduled airdate I promptly got up (well as promptly as one can w/crutches,lol) woke up my 8 year old daughter and we headed to the livingroom to watch.

Yes, I am aware that the main target audience is 7 and up, but I absolutely loved the concept since it was announced.

I love the fact that DC (and Marvel too) is making a concious effort to include future geeklings of the feminine persuassion.

So, of course I was not going to miss this opportunity!

Here is my opinion...

I absolutely loved the message for the premiere episode, girl power and being confident in who you are.

The episode starts with Supergirl getting accepted to Superhero High, where she will learn to control her super powers and eventually be a super heroine.

When she arrives at the high school, she is obviously blown away by Wonder Woman and all the other heroes in the high school. But she has a special admiration towards Wonder Woman.

Supergirl is insecure and tht makes her easily accident prone making her powers get the best of her.

She quickly warms up to Barbara Gordon, who is mostly the non-student tech-savy, non-super at the school (she is stantly reminded of not having powers through various incidents).

Unlike Supergirl, Barbara is smart, determined and not intimidated by her "limitations" or peers.

I absolutely enjoyed the nod Oracle, with her tech-savy (despite this show being aimed at a different demographic altogether).'

Throughtout the beginning of the episode events happen, that the Principal sends a group of senior superheroes to take care of the villains who want to take over, this includes Supergirl. Who not only due to the fact that she still has not found the inner confidence in herself, she practically jeopardizes the group and mission.

The main message throughout the episode is that after Supergirl flubs and gets off to a shaky start, she and Barbara work together to help her get better at her classes and powers.

Both these young girls work together to help one another, while building a bond. They aren't competing against each other but instead they're uplifting and supporting when they need it.


The main conflict arrives when an unexpected character by the name "Granny Goodness" manipulates the unsure Supergirl to break into a maximum security portal room and with the help of Big Bartha and company try to take over the world for the glory of Darksied. Granny Goodness is able to mind control the super heroes at Superhero High to carry out her dastardly plan.

Barbara finally gets her opportunity and dons her Batgirl suit (that she designed, duh!) and is able to release the heroes/heroines from Granny's control. Supergirl also gets the chance to finally prove to herself and others that she can be confident and working along side the others, she finally realizes what she had been missing.

It was absolutely brilliant to make Supergirl and Barbara opposites, yet a like in many ways.

Supergrl has super powers but lacks the confidence to be able to trust herself and find her own idenity and shine through.

Barbara Gordon has no super powers, but she is efficient, independent and confident and wants the chance to prove to others what she can do.

Both girls know that at the end, they want to make a difference in other people's lives.

At the end of the episode both characters find their inner strengths and voices in order to save not just Superhero High but the world. And happy to say that Barbara gets accepted as 'Batgirl' and as a formal student.

This brings me to my actual point:

Young girls need to hear the messages that were throughout the episode. Specially in our community they need to be reinforced that they CAN achieve what they set their minds to. They have their own unique talents and "super powers" not only to help other, but themselves.

It shows girls uplifting, helping and cooperating  with each other instead of being catty, over competive and jealous.

It also displayed that you don't need be a "super heroine" to make a difference. Part of the message was, if you really want to make a difference, you can.

These messages are incredibly pivotal for young girls to understand because unfortunately our community is gender biased, male dominated and it is a great deservice to us all.

Shows like this are awesome steppping stones to bring to light the disparity that still exists.

i'm not sayng that the men in our community should leave or completely stop being part of because that would be a deservice, as well.

But we need both genders to contribute equally with respect.

Positive messages like team work, self-confidence, hard work should always be praised and this premier episode managed every single one.

Like many of you, I grew up in a male dominated community where my Geekiness has always either been less or questioned, but shows like this one, not only shows that we women can and should be a targeted demographic, but also we can contribute to all areas of Geekdom. We are also fangirls who are deserving of shows that interest us in a positive way instead of patronizing us.

I'm happy to know that my daughter may one day grow up with less of that bias.

The only thing i didn't like was how at the beginning of the episode Wonder Woman felt threaten by Supergirl's arrival.Wonder Woman was used to being the 'IT' girl at school and her competitiveness got the best of her. She was quickly shut down by Barbara, who instead told her that Supergirl wasn't here to compete with her, but actually admired her and hope to win her admiration. To me, it seemed a bit out of character for Diana, but then again, I'm thinking of her as an adult and not as a she would be like as a teen.

Nevertheless, I absolutely enjoyed the premier and I look forward to enjoying even more episodes in the future, along with my daughter.

Til' next time!


All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of Boomerang, CN Network, DC Entertainment/Animation,, etc. 

This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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