I'm sure that many of you by now have seen the Captain Marvel trailer more times than possible, and yes, I am too excited for the release. I love the fact that lately we've been getting strong female characters in films, tv, comics, etc., and it's about damn time! Yes, I know we had Wonder Woman about two years ago, and even though that was a step in the right direction, we need to embrace it even further!
That is not to say that the story is solely about women, on the contrary, it is a story in which a woman happens to be it's main protagonist. Which is huge difference. This is not to say that a "female" driven story isn't important or not as important, because it is, but the fact that she's being portrayed as an actual full character that has a commitment to save the world, is a good step in the right direction. Women can also be fierce, strong, intelligent and capable of whatever their minds/consciousness decide to do.
I'm also always amazed how well Marvel casts the actors, because they take their time in the process (We're looking at you, D.C.) Brie is absolutely perfect for the role.
We've definitely have come a long way from the injustice of not having the need for a Black Widow solo film.
As I mentioned it is absolutely refreshing to see significantly more women lead important characters. I had mentioned before that Netflix announced a re-boot of She-ra, and even though we haven't had a full trailer, recently we got a teaser from it, and it looks absolutely fantastic (I'm just judging it based SOLELY on the teaser) and I'm super pumped (so is my daughter, which by the way, she saw and she is also excited to watch it) to see where they take the re-boot version, from the 80's cartoon.
And to top it off, just a couple of days ago, the trailer for Dark Phoenix was released, and it looks amaze-balls!!
It is so refreshing seeing not only women be part of the story, but essential and crucial to it, not just back drop eye-candy for fan boys to oodle at.
Now than ever we need to continue to demand and emphasize that women CAN and should be seen as important characters, whom can command roles that people would mostly associate men to do.
And before you say "feminazi" I'm not saying that we should get rid of ALL the men, whether in real life or character wise, but for most of human existence, men have been the main contributors, story-tellers, entrepreneurs, etc., it is about time that we say "STEP ASIDE, WE GOT THIS".
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This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.
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