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2017: The year of Spiders, Wonder Women & Duck Tales.

Happy New Year kiddies!!

Let's hope that 2017 brings us happier times than the s$#t storm that was 2016.

What did happen last year?! Most of the time it felt like we were collectively living in an episode of the Twilight Zone. (I can just hear the theme in my head as I write this, lol.)

But enough reminiscing about the year that just passed by, for many of us, we hope that this new year will be FAR FAR better than last, and by the looks of it, it might just be.

Why> Well, at least new releases will be a heck of a better year than last. No, I'm not complaining about the films that came out last year (Doctor Strange, Rogue One, CIvil War, etc) because they were excellent.

But this year, we have really awesome arrivals as well.

I know I'm looking forward to:

The Lego Batman Movie, which quite frankly, looks far better than Batman v.s Superman (sorry...)

Release date: February 10, 2017

Logan is also coming out this year, and it looks to be like an emotional rollercoaster, not just because of the backstory, but because it will be Hugh Jackman's last time as our favorite X-Men.

Release date: March 02, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 looks like it will prove that lighting can strike twice. Specially from the theatrical trailers, that scene with Baby Groot, is just amazing.

Release date: April 28, 2017

To be honest, (and yes, I know most DC fans will loathe me for saying this) DC films, have been a let down for me. I honestly think DC still is too convoluted and hasn't really decided what kind of rhythm it wants its films to take. That being said, the trailer for Wonder Woman looks spectacular! I believe in one of my prior posts, I voiced serious reservations about Gal Gadot as a choice for Diana, but after seeing the trailers, i can happily admit, that boy was i wrong! I just can't wait to go see it!

Release date: June 02, 2017

Of course, Marvel could not be let behind, they are also pumping out more films as well (aside GoTG Vol. 2)

The long awaited Spiderman Homecoming wth Tom Holland taking the mantel of Peter Parker, including a very notable cameo by Iron Man himself, will no doubt be a sure fire favorite expected release.

Release date: July 07, 2017


We can't forget Thor: Ragnarok, Justice League and other films that are highly anticipated by fans.

Let's not forget that on December 2017 Star Wars VIII will also be premiering, and it will be even more significant, not just because we get to see the next installment, but we get to see Carrie Fisher in her role as Princess Leia, one last time.

Not to mention that this year will finally be the long awaited reboot of the Power Rangers the Movie reboot. Let's have our fingers crossed that it isn't  a let down of a very much beloved 90s franchise.

So, yes, we will have our hands full when it comes to films on the big screen.


Let us not forget that we also have very anticipated t.v. shows coming out, as well this year.

For those of us who have not yet completely caught up with the manga, but are anxiously awaiting for season 2 of Attack on Titan, next April will be finally the answer to our prayers because finally season 2 will be released in the US!

Apparently, there will be introducing new Titans and we will have some answers to some of our burning questions.


We also have to look forward to the reboot of a beloved 90's Disney cartoon series...

DUCKTALES!! usually I'm pretty skeptical about my reboots, but there are times where I have been genuinely delighted by them (Independence Day Resurgence for example) but this one takes the cake. Not only because it has an awesome cast, but one of the names that made me jump up with Joy is David Tennant. Yes, the 10th Doctor Who will be none other than Scrooge McDuck himself.

I'm fangirling hard at this moment!

The reboot is slated to premier in the Summer of 2017 on Disney XD.


I'm sure there are more films and tv shows that I missed that will be premiering this year, but so far, it is looking good!!

Which ones are you excited to see? Which ones are you just 'meh' let me know in the comment section below!!

Til' next time!


All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of: LEGO, Warner Bros. Animation, DC Enertainment, Disney/Disney XD, BBC/BBC America,,, Marvel, Marvel Entertainment, etc.

This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes


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