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Basically, they had my heart on a string and kept tugging at it that I thought i might not have made it until the end.
But, here I am, still here, in one piece.
So, kiddies here is my small & insignificant contribution to last night:
1.) My constant panic at & concerning Missy betraying The Doctor and/or Clara (or in that case both). We all know that The Master has teamed up in the past with The Doctor when it is either convinient or they have a common enemy. But her/his unpredictability to switching sides is a constant reminder for us the viewers, that she should & must not be trusted.
2.) Direct reference when Clara was convinced, by MIssy no less, to get inside the Dalek. Evoking the first time Clara (Oswin Oswald) met The Doctor (in his 11th incarnation). It brought back a sad memory, but it also brought, I think an important link that might be explored later on, of the question that was posed by The Doctor after he took Clara out of the Dalek.
3.) I must confess that I am slightly gullible, sort of, lol. And the reason why I'm writing this is because for few moments, I desperately wanted to believe Davros's tears and words. I truly did!! and yes, shame on me for allowing myself to dream. But one of the highlights was the emotive chit chat with the Doctor. The moral dilemma of what makes a "good" or "bad" person is one of the many reasons why i love Doctor Who. One of the things that struck me was when Davros says to the Doctor that his "compassion" is what will ultimately kill him (and not just refering to tricking him to use his regenerative power to make a hybrid Dalek) but overall, what Davros cannot understand (and never will) is that the Doctor's main strength (not weakness) is his compassion and with that, the unbreakable loyalty that binds him to all his companions in order to triumph in one way or another.
4.) That being said, one of the heart wrenching moments was when Missy, tries to betray Clara (and subsequently, the Doctor) by not telling him that Clara is inside one of the Daleks. Those moments were hard to watch. Right when you think that Missy will finally get away with her evil manipulation, Clara's Dalek says 'mercy,' signaling the Doctor that there is something different.
Ultimately, i loved how in the end, unwillingly, Davros ends up destroying himself and his creations, which brings back the series to a staple that has always marked it, not having the Doctor use violence.
Saving younger Davros, most definitely will not mean the end of the Daleks, but it is a perfect way to end on a high note. The possibilities are endless...
Alright kiddies, til' next time!
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