May the Force be with J.J. ABRAMS!!!
So, after so many times being rick-rolled over “official”
trailers for the new Star Wars The Force Awakens, it finally happened!!!
We finally got an actual snippet of the trailer that has
broken the internet since we found out that J.J. Abrams took the helm of this
Critics (positive and negative) have abound with their
opinions about their personal expectations for this upcoming film.
And quite frankly, it’s not over possessiveness, but we
want justice after the fiasco of the “Special Editions” and the Prequels.
Anyways, all around the fringes of cyberspace comments
have been made, expectations either have been heightened or completely
destroyed, but it seems a lot more real than those pesky “rumors.”
And in my most personal opinion, I only have to say
I will reserve any comment, judgment on and or about this
(or for that matter, any future teasers, trailers, etc.) teaser trailer until
right before the first installment is in theaters.
Why, you may ask. Well it is not because I do not believe
in Abrams and it is not due to my lack of faith in the franchise.
I just want to
keep the mystery of it all.
I want to be able to purchase my ticket, without a biased
point of view and genuinely be entertained by the film, and hopefully not be disappointed.
As a fan.... I'm on an adrenaline rush (like many of you are) and I'm counting down to the release of a cultural icon!!!
J.J. Abrams, you're our only hope!
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