A couple of days ago, while sitting down and watching Fanboys, got me thinking of the touch-y subject (and at times controversial, I guess) of which one is better, Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Trek has inspired many of the technology that we take for granted today. Mainly in the sense that scientists have dare to be inspired by Roddenberry's vision and dare to make them a reality. (I'm not saying that Star Wars hasn't inspired scientists too, just clarifying).
Sure, both franchises have some things in common, like the obvious, both contain Star in their titles and both revolve around space (and at this point, you maybe yelling at me by saying "No duh").
I promise, this post WILL get better!
Ok., aside from the blatantly obvious, both franchises could not be more different. It would be like comparing apples to watermelons.
Mainly I'm here to ask you guys, which one and mainly WHY do you prefer one better than the other?
Personally for me, I have so much love for both.
Both were significant and integral parts of my childhood and continue to be.
As a child one of my fondest memories is watching reruns of Star Trek TOS with my mother and brother.
I also got to enjoy the animated series and in my household, the words Spock, Kirk and Enterprise were a constant vernacular.
There came a time when around fourth grade I rediscovered Star Trek in the form of The Next Generation, and slowly, but surely, fell in love with the new crew. I even remember getting teased by other classmates because I refused to use Lisa Frank folders (or Hello Kitty), instead I proudly displayed a photo/postcard of the TNG crew.
Like many of you, I'm sure we can all relate to this because we were known as the "typical nerds" who refused to be swayed by conventional things and basically marched to the beat of our own drums
As I grew older, and I got to experience the uber bombastic-ness that is Star Wars original trilogy (sorry, kids, this does not include Episodes I, II, III) and completely blowing me away, I knew that it spoke to me.
From that point on, I made it my mission to learn the dialogue for all three, I bought ANYTHING that was related to Star Wars.
When I finally reached middle school, instead of having pictures of The Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, it was covered with pictures, photos of Luke, Han, Leia, etc.
And now that I'm older, I starting to reflect of why I can't never really choose a side, lol.
Star Wars for me is fun, is adrenaline, adventure, and it's filled with the message of hope. Hope that despite the fact that the Empire ruled with unquestionable totalitarian authority, a small band of Rebels, who refused to be ruled by tyrannical Palpatine, went against all odds, and at the end, defeated the Empire.
Star Trek speaks to me in a different way (as it should to my fellow Trekkies/Trekkers).
Mr. Roddenberry had a vision, a dream and defied social norms (ahem, yes, I'm talking about the Uhura/Kirk kiss) of the time.
He made his statements very clear, that it was his hope (through this television show) that humanity is capable of putting aside their petty differences and work together to build for ourselves a better tomorrow.

In a philosophical/intellectual level, Star Trek enriches my life. The potential of humanity and to go beyond the limits of our own knowledge and universe, not to conquer, but to learn and explore. Accepting others for who they are and seeing their value and potential.
And on a adventurous, fun way, Star Wars gives me a sense of courage and justice. Courage to take on the "big man/empire" and fight for my ideals. To not be oppressed and refuse to back down to the Status Quo.
Let's face it, both Star Wars and Star Trek have strong female characters (except for Counselor Troi, ugh, I swear, she was just eye candy!). Leia, was the princess, but she didn't need to be rescued, she could hang with the boys just as well. She was also smart, a diplomat who tried to make a difference.
Uhura, Crusher, Janeway, 7 of 9, B'elana, Pulaski, inspired this little girl (and I'm sure they inspired many other little girls) to value herself and never settle for less.
So, when I get asked which one is better in my eyes, I say both, in different ways, but I grew up with both, I love both franchises, and I'm sure many of you may feel this way.
So, yes, I am a Star Wars Fangirl and a Trekkie... and I'm ok with that.
* I did not include Mara Jade or Jaina Solo in this blog not because they are incredible characters in the expanded universe/Clone Wars, I was mainly focusing on original trilogy content. Please don't kill me!
"I knew you were a Tribble when you walked in!!"
** All pictures, characters, logos copyright of Paramount Pictures, Disney and their respective creators and affiliates.
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