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Proud Geek Mom moment.

Phew! It's been a while since I posted on here. No, I have not forgotten about this blog, and yes, I'm still writing on it because it's fun. WoW has kinda taken over my free time to be honest (No, I don't have a problem, lol) and also just life in general has been a roller coaster, specially these past couple of weeks.

But now I find myself having a bit of more time, so I'm here 😁.

As many by now know realize that I am a Geek, but I'm also a parent. And even though I've come to terms and acceptance with my geekiness, that doesn't mean that my daughter has to be one as well. But, as all parents do, I like to share with her things that I think she might enjoy. We (the Mr. and I) got her into WoW, because she developed a genuine curiosity for it. I didn't coarse her or influence her into it. She also has her own little niches, like Minecraft, Undertale, etc. But most importantly, we let her make her own choice when it comes to what she likes and what she doesn't.

My point in all this, is that a couple of weeks ago, she heard me talk through my headset with my D&D group. And started asking questions about it. For sake of simplification (I know they're NOT the same) I explained that D&D is a table top game, where you use your imagination and go on quests, something similar to WoW, but different as well. She seemed interested, but due to her age, unfortunately, we can't let her join the group we're in. So, we called up another fellow geek friend (who also has lovely children around my daughter's age) and we set up a D&D  play date.

Since it was most everyone's first time, we just decided to do a pre-fabricated D&D kit, and we met up.

And the surprise that I got! I honestly thought that it might not be a hit, but it actually was. They seemed to be genuinely enjoying themselves. The absolute joy of seeing their thought process in how to take down goblins was amazing. At a certain point, one of the girls distracted three goblins who were playing cards, as the rest of the party basically killed them off in a surprise attack.

It was one of those unforgettable moments you get when you play this type of game.

As a parent you realize how creative and out-of-the-box way of thinking your children can come up for certain scenarios and how intelligent they can be.

I think most society dumb down things for children because they feel like they won't be able to comprehend, and it may be true for some topics, but they'll certainly surprise you.

I think there are pros in letting children play D&D, first it gets them to use analytical & creative skills. Also, it gets them to un-glue themselves away from their phones, tablets, etc. And also, it gives the opportunity for parents and kids have a chance to communicate and just enjoy each others company. It helps them to focus and critically think about situations, actions, etc. So, in all, there is definitely a positive side to letting your kids play D&D with you.

And if at the end they don't like it, then it is not for them. But if you find out that they enjoy it, it just gives you another reason in a creative way to spend more time with them.

So, now my daughter keeps asking me when are we going back to playing more D&D?! 😂

What have I done, lol.


All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of Gary Gygax & Dave Arneson, TSR, Wizards of the Coast, etc.
This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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