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Lately, I've been noticing a trend on my blog, and it isn't bad, but I definitely, do not want my blog to ONLY cover one kind of topic, so I'm trying to diversify it (from reviewing movies only) to reviewing other mediums, like comics, etc. (Because, ahem, I do read comics, not as much as I would like, but I do.)

So, here goes my attempt to diversify.

And what will I be reviewing for you today?

a graphic novel by Noelle Stevenson, called Nimona.

I promise, there are NO spoilers ahead! 😇

The main characters are:

Lord Blackheart- the  "villain" of this story. And yes, it is not an accident the " ". He's more of a tragic anti-hero with ethics.

Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin- is the "hero" of the story, whose sole mission is to foil Blackheart's dastardly, villainous plans.

Nimona- our titled character is a young sidekick to Lord Blackheart whose mysterious past, plays a key role in the story.

The Institution- is the law enforcement force that is sworn to protect the kingdom from villains, especially, Blackheart's plans.

The Plot:

For years, Lord Blackheart has made dastardly plans against the Institution and Goldenloin. Both, Institution and Goldenloin have foiled them, and it has been a weird relationship between all parties, but when Nimona joins forces with Blackheart to defeat and really, I mean REALLY annoy the Institution and Goldeloin, the relationship starts shifting. Nimona is a young aspiring villainous sidekick, whose a bad-ass shapeshifter, whom is fearless, and vulnerable at the same time. At first, Blackheart doesn't really want to take her on as a sidekick, but she soons proves useful, so he takes her on.

Over the course of their plans, they discover that the Institution isn't all good, and has TRULY evil plans for the kingdom. So, what do they do? Try and save the kingdom of course! Goldenloin for his part, under Institution instructions, try to stop both Blackheart and Nimona. Little by little we get to find out the painful past between Blackheart and Goldeloin. We also discover that there is a lot more than meets the eye to Nimona. Eventually, Goldenloin and Blackheart come to terms with each other, and Blackheart and Nimona, realize something deeper and important about themselves and each other.

My Thoughts:

I seriously enjoyed this graphic novel. It is aimed at a young adult audience, but it is truly lots of fun, and with a deeper message than what it leads on to. I absolutely loved the progression of Lord Blackheart and Nimona. At first, Nimona was this annoying sidekick whom was way too eager (and immature) to please Blackheart. Over the course of the story, the reader finds that despite her bad-assery, jokes and just fun-loving demeanor, Nimona is also vulnerable, feisty, scared, selfish, but also sweet and caring. Their relationship from annoying sidekick, to close friend is what drives a lot of this story. There's also the whole backstory with Blackheart and Goldenloin. Both, are definitely not two dimensional characters. They're well rounded, flawed, funny, and you can actually feel caring for these two. 

Blackheart is more of an anti-hero than a villain. He has a conscious and ethics. Yes, he has a personal vendetta against the Institution and Goldenloin, but he knows the difference between that, and hurting innocent people.

Goldenloin breaks the old used trope of "hero"; he's a coward, cheater and really selfish. He cares more about his reputation and his interests, that he severed his relationship with Blackheart.

It might be the old used trope of "not what it seems to be" but this is not just that, it really, makes sense, of how, why these characters are why they are. 

The truly evil villain of this story is the Institution, who is not really there for the welfare of the people, but they impose their vision of "safe" to the kingdom, and strip people of their knowledge and ability to guide themselves. They stop at nothing to keep both Nimona and Blackheart quiet (and frankly, out) of their plans. 

The deeper message of this graphic novel I found was acceptance of whom we are. Our vulnerabilities, our selfishness, the ability to recognize that we aren't all what we appear to be. We hide light and darkness within us, but we also have the strength to chose, and also the relationships we make, also can change our perspectives for good or bad. Acceptance above all else, and being whom we were meant to be, without being boxed into what other people think we ought to be.

The story has a good balance of funny, tender, infuriating moments all rolled up into an incredible work.

The art is amazing, I love how each character has a distinct look and essence to them that represents all their flaws and qualities.

I truly recommend this graphic novel if you haven't come across it.

It's definitely worth the read. 😉


All trademark, copyrighted material, logos, names, brands, partners and affiliates are properties of Noelle Stevenson, Harper Teen,, etc.

This post is used with Copyright Act of 1976, 17, U.S.C., § 107. All commentaries made in this post (that are not copyrighted) are my own. This blog is intended for entertainment purposes.


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