Alright boys and girls it is time to get a bit serious about a topic that NEEDS to be addressed. It is hard enough now a days NOT to be a part of the social media machine. Whether it is to keep in contact with old friends, acquaintances or for business, everyone and their moms' (and probably nanas too, lol) are on some type of social media platform. Which in its positive outcomes, it connects people in many ways. it is a vessel of information and an excellent networking tool. Our community has embraced and has become a staple for us to connect with other fellow Geeks that share our same interests. We follow favorite accounts that deal with tabletop, console gaming, Cosplay, cons and even with the celebrities that we have come to love and admire. It is a buffet of pictures, podcasts & media (in general) at our fingertips. But unfortunately, social media has gotten a dark, shady aspect too. I have noticed (and been a victim of it myself) t...
SoCal Geek living the East coast life