In a world full of Princesses needing to be rescued by their Knight in Shinning Armor, Princess Leia taught many little girls that you can rescue yourself. Today, the world all ovet mourns the loss of a true icon, cross-generational, inspiring human being and incredible actress, Carrie Fisher. Princess Leia was different, strong-willed, resourceful, intelligent, brilliant diplomat, fearless. As a little girl I wanted to be just like her, because she resembled my own characteristics. I didn't want to be rescued, I wanted to write my own happy ending, I wanted to be different. And in front of me, was this character who embodied everything I hoped to be when I would grow up. Carrie as an actress was unconventiaonal, inspiring because she was human, not a plastic, un-realistic version of a person, she was real with flaws and many more qualities. There are no words to sufficiently describe how much she meant to me and how deeply I am feeling her passing. To her family, loved o...
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