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DC, what are you doing?!

Ok, in all fairness, you must  be warned: this is a sort of gripe-y post, and these are just my personal problems with what DC is doing so far with it's direction in t.v. & film wise.

Let it be known that, I am absolutely enjoying the New 52, and there is not much to complain about.

So, here I go!

DC, what are you doing?! (points accusatory finger)

First I would like to address the fact that there are fantastic things that you are doing with your t.v. shows (Flash & Arrow), which I could be as thrilled with Gotham.

I must admit that I have been hooked by The Flash and Arrow.

I watched the premier of The Flash and from the get go, I absolutely freakin' enjoyed it, and I wish that it was only a longer show. I seriously love the nods to the comics, and I love the casting that was done for the show and the character development.

Same goes for Arrow, I seriously feel like each episode is like me going to new comic book Wednesday and acquiring new Green Arrow issues. It makes me my geeky heart happy.

Ok, that being said... 

to be honest DC, I'm beginning to get a little frustrated with your movie casting choices and I'm really really confused as to why, why cast different actors for same characters?

Yes, I know that each actor brings a different interpretation of the same character, but WHY?!

This just bothers me, and I know it shouldn't, but it does.

My first irk-y moment was when they announced the new actor for Batman vs. Superman... and seriously my heart just dropped (just a little bit, it might have skipped a beat, but not in a good way). 

My husband seems a little bit more optimistic explaining that the fiasco that was Daredevil wasn't entirely Ben Affleck's fault. I kind of agree, but not really.

Yes, the director does have a say in creative direction (and so does the script writers), but the main execution of the interpretation of the character goes to the actor. If not, then who?!

Affleck, just killed it, and not in the best of ways. Overall, I think at the core of the matter, he really didn't get him. 

Now, when DC announced that Ben Affleck would doned the Cape, I cringed just a little bit. 

That so, also goes to the atrocity that was Green Lantern, Ryan Reynold's version.

That being said, just like there have been misses, there have been excellent redemptions, Christian Bale and Heath Ledger, Liam Neeson, Henry Cavill, etc.

This is my main point (which hubby brought to my attention).

I like to think as DC as universe (like many of us do) and within that wonderful universe there is the DC "earth" and each super heroe protects their own cities within this universe. Superman in Metropolis, Batman in Gotham, and so on and so forth. You guys get the point, right?

Well, to other people, I guess each city is its own universe (which there isn't a problem with that).

Point is, if you are like me and like to think of DC as I do, casting different actors to play same superheroes, is somewhat frustrating. Is DC, running out of money? Let's hope not. Are they being super thrifty and wanting to not spend as much money on a t.v. production actor than an onscreen actor? Perhaps, but then again, for me an actor is an actor.

I understand DC has multi-verses and in that case, many of you will argue that this is one of the reasons why there are different actors for t.v. shows and movies. 

Yet, here is my point, DC was the one that announced that they wanted to have more continuity of the comics, so why not of the movies & t.v. shows? 

There are many issues that come into play as to why actors are replaced, but I would love to see a more continuous streamline, in their actors. 

I sincerely hope that Affleck and other subsequent actors do their homework and can bring life to the character they have been entrusted to play.

It's a huge responsibility and yes, I know that there isn't a thing of a perfect movie, but at least, I want to see a faithful rendition of the superheroes/villains that I grew up with.

Do you guys agree, disagree?! comment below & let me know!

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