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Give Regina a Break!!

Not so long ago, I finally caught up to season 3 of Once Upon a Time, and as many of you know, at the very end there was an unexpected, yet very much talked about appearance from a much beloved character, who for sake of spoilers, shall remain nameless. 

So many things in the last season left me shocked, grief stricken, and all over season 3 gave me so many different kinds of feels, that I cannot possibly enumerate.

But one of the feels that this last season did profoundly affect me was how Regina/The Evil Queen cannot get a break!!!

I seriously felt for her in the last episode and of all the characters in Storybrooke,, she is one of the few who whole heartedly deserves some slack and a happily ever after.

Don't agree? Tis' ok, we can all agree & disagree, but in my personal viewpoint, I honestly think she very much deserves it.

When I first started watching OUAT, season 1, I absolutely did not like Regina, but as weird as it may sound, I never truly thought of her as "Evil," as opposed to Cora, or even, The Wicked Witch of the West. 

Yes, she DID enact the curse on the Enchanted Forest, making everyone loose their happy endings, yes, for most of seasons 1-2 she wanted to exact revenge on Snow, but if you truly think about it, can you really blame her?!

Snow, did snitch on her to Cora about her escape plan with Daniel (who she was madly and truly in love with) and betraying her trust, after Regina specifically had told Snow NOT to tell anyone! 

Her mother is Cora/The Queen of Hearts, a manipulative, cold-hearted, power hungry woman who sells her daughter to King Leopold, just so she can have power and prestige. By doing this she sacrifices her daughter's happiness for her own selfishness. 

Regina has been hurt too many times, and therefore, has created resentment in her heart towards the people she feels that have wrong her, and rightly so!

One of the redeeming qualities is her son Henry, and the love she had for her father.

The love of her son, makes her put Henry before her. She really truly loves him and is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure he is safe. 

Yes, she has done not so nice things, but unlike Cora, her motivations (although many times misguided) have been out of resentment and pain and not because she wants control, power over everyone. 

Now, going to the last episode (sorry, for those of you who haven't caught up, SPOILERS ahead)

Emma, wanting, and erroneously thinking that she was doing a good deed (and despite being warned by Killian/Hook and Rumple/Mr. Gold) decides to take the prisoner she bonded with while she was locked away in the dungeon. I imagine her thought process was "what's the worse that can happen" and or "I'm saving her life." In the end turns out to be Marian (Robin's deceased wife). 

Once back in Storybrooke, Emma, Killian and Marian go back to Granny's and lo' and behold, who should be there but Regina and Robin, and once Emma innocently introduces Marian to Regina, she is recognized by Robin Hood, and we (the viewers) come to find out that hey, that's Robin's wife, who was supposed to be dead!!!

That moment, where Robin (out of sheer joy, of course) forgets that Regina is with him, and goes to embrace his wife, Regina's face says it all. Her utter, excruciating heartbreak.

Had Regina's heart had been made out of glass, we could have probably been able to heart every single piece fall.

Hence, this woman seriously can't get a break, those blissful moments of true love, were broken, and to add insult to injury, it was Snow's daughter who took away in seconds Regina's happiness, in the same cruel manner her mother had all those years ago.

I was furious!!! How could Emma really be this stupid?! Ugh, and after being told NOT to alter events, her pretentious attitude just adds fuel to this injustice!

I guess, this is why OUAT has become my guilty pleasure, lol.

I thoroughly enjoy this show, because despite being a "fairy tale based" show, the characters aren't black or white, they come in very a many shades in between. 

Do you guys agree?! Leave me a comment letting me know your thoughts!!!

Can't wait for next season, and I sincerely do hope that either, Marian gets killed off in some ingenious fashion without having Regina do the deed, that way Robin and her can be at least together for a couple of episodes, because in all honesty, they made a lovely couple!!! 

* All rights reserved for images to owners. 


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