It's that time of year again, where those of us mere mortals who for three days will constantly be reminded how poor we are that we aren't at this year's SDCC 2019, yet again 😩😶. Thankfully it IS 2019 and with the help of the magical internet, we are able to still get to enjoy the trailers, sneak peeks that those fortunate souls have seen with their own eyes. So, let's not fret, because this year, has been as promising and super exciting for many fandoms. From Stranger Things ' new season (is it season 4? sorry, not sure) to the trailer of IT sequel, there have been many reasons why our Geeky hearts have been sent fluttering throughout the weekend. Not to mention the merchandise previews, etc. There will definitely be many awesome choices to choose coming this Fall 2019 and beyond. What really got me excited was HBO/BBC's trailer for His Dark Materials series. In the words of Obi-wan Kenobi: These ARE the droids we're looking for. Yeah, I k...
SoCal Geek living the East coast life