Phew! It's been a while since I posted on here. No, I have not forgotten about this blog, and yes, I'm still writing on it because it's fun. WoW has kinda taken over my free time to be honest (No, I don't have a problem, lol) and also just life in general has been a roller coaster, specially these past couple of weeks. But now I find myself having a bit of more time, so I'm here 😁. As many by now know realize that I am a Geek, but I'm also a parent. And even though I've come to terms and acceptance with my geekiness, that doesn't mean that my daughter has to be one as well. But, as all parents do, I like to share with her things that I think she might enjoy. We (the Mr. and I) got her into WoW, because she developed a genuine curiosity for it. I didn't coarse her or influence her into it. She also has her own little niches, like Minecraft, Undertale, etc. But most importantly, we let her make her own choice when it comes to what she likes and wh...
SoCal Geek living the East coast life