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Showing posts from January, 2019

Sink your teeth into Castlevania.

It is almost February and within the time that I've been missing, there have been so many news, that it is kind of hard to talk to you guys about everything. Lately, I must admit that I've been in a weird funk of watching interesting shows, movies, that are not necessarily in everyone's radar. Yes, I could talk about the upcoming Captain Marvel movie, or anything else that has been buzzing around the internet. But lately, with all the nay-sayers, I've kinda gotten into this funk of finding lost treasure in shows that might not be well known, or given enough time of day, due to either people not knowing, or just glossing over.  One of those 'diamonds in the rough' that I recently was made aware of is 'Castlevania' on Netflix. There's only two seasons of the animated series, and I basically binged watched season 1 yesterday with the Hubby.  And seriously, if you haven't seen this animated series, it really is damned good. (See w...

Carmen Sandiego is back!!

First things first, Happy New Year everyone!! I'm hoping you're starting 2019 on the right foot. With that being said, let's get on with the rest of this post, shall we? So, you may be wondering why I haven't posted in a bit, and yes, I know I tend to disappear a bit, but lately I've been kinda stuck playing WoW, sorry. I haven't neglected you, it's just that I've been putting hours on my online gaming. Also, mainly (and this will be part of the post) it's because I've been feeling a bit down with our community. Why? Because, recently there's been so many 'negative nancies' about pretty much anything, gaming, films, tv, etc. It kinda makes me want to distance myself for a bit from the Geek community. Look, we're all dealing with our daily sh*t fest, not to mention our global sh*t fest, it's just a sh*t fest most of our waking hours, and the one thing that makes me happy is being part of a community that gets me. ...