Sometimes, being spoiler free, is ridiculously hard. Arrghh!! Nevertheless, I still want to maintain my credo of not giving things away and potentially spoiling things for everyone else, so this won't be a ridiculously in depth review about Avengers: Infinity War it will most certainly be a commentary about my thoughts about the movie (yes, without spoiling the movie, so no, don't get the pitch forks, just yet). Where to start: Pacing... although despite some commentaries on the internet, have griped about the film being "rushed" in my humble opinion, it not so much seemed rushed, more that it had that eminent feel too it. The mood was more of "let's do something about it now... before Thanos gets all the stones" feel to it. But, I think that the film overall had good pacing. There were too many tugged at your heart strings moments, because we've come to love and care for these characters over the past 10 years, so, yes, it is an emotion...
SoCal Geek living the East coast life