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Showing posts from July, 2017

Changes & Twists

Can we all just get along?!?! A couple of days ago it was officially revealed that the new Doctor would be played by Jodie Whittaker and ALL hell broke loose. The reaction to this news has been overwhelmingly mixed. And to be completely honest, I am getting kinda tired about all those piss boys who just can't seem to get the grip that this is 2017 not 1950. Seriously guys you're that insecure and feel threatened by a female Doctor?! Because it does come down to this: insecurity and fear of being proven wrong. And I'm here to say, GET OVER IT.   BBC Insecure? Yes, these piss boy are insecure of having their gender "stripped" from an important role and see this as an undermining of the Doctor Who series/canon. Well, guess what? Just because you guys have your own personal insecurities about your own masculinity, that doesn't mean that others can't and have the right to succeed even if they aren't MALE gendered. But most of these guys who are ...


I hope all of you enjoyed your 4th of July, celebrating and overall just having fun, eating hot dogs, burgers, etc. Alright, so this may or may not be old news , but a couple of weeks ago, there was some controversy over an interview that was given by Alicia Silverstone, regarding her point of view of the new Wonder Woman movie.  And what she had to say was not nice, whatsoever.  In a nutshell, she said that she didn't really see what all the fuss was about, because there have been other past films that showcase female leads and that in her opinion, prior leads are being overshadowed by this new film. She goes on to give Bridesmaids and Rough Night as examples. Let me just say... " WHATEVER" . First of all, both films that she mentioned are comedies and they are riddled with nothing but stereotypical roles <gee, for someone, yes, I'm looking at you Alicia, who prides herself, in being a feminist, and wanting to empower other women, you could...