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Showing posts from June, 2017


SAY IT ISN'T SO!! For those of us who were still hopeful that a new instalment of the Power Rangers rebooted franchise would be green lit, apparently, this will not be happening any time soon. Due to not so favorable box office outcomes in China <which apparently, the Asian countries were the saving grace for the film, since domestically it didn't do so well> and Japan, which executives were betting their money on for the film to exceed the amount expect for the possibility of having more installments.  According to the article on Screen Rant:  the film still had hope if it did well in those markets.  Trailers. TUBE The mixed review of the film also did not help with the decision from the executives, for now, shelve any other future film in the franchise. The reviews from different articles either liking or hating it, had an impact, but nothing had the biggest impact than $$...


Ok, so I meant to have this post publish A LONG while back, but unfortunately, I got struck with a upper respiratory infection that got complicated with my asthma/bronchitis. So, to say that I had a horrible couple of weeks, is an understatement. Coupled with the fact that unfortunately I have to work, well, it's not been easy. So, kiddies, I apologize sincerely, that I've neglected you guys, but this time, it really wasn't due to boredom, it was due to health. And yes, I know OTHER films have come out since! Without further interruptions, here is my review of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Unlike the first film, where it had much more comedic elements and was light fun, this second installment has a far more serious tone. Its pace is a bit slower for a good part of the movie, due to the build up effect, but once it finally reaches its peak, it goes from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds. The reason its pacing is a bit slow is due to the tensions that is going on w...