And a collective and very well resounding F**K YOU might be necessary and in order. So, it has been a very rough start for Geekdom/Nerdom, because as all the world knows, this month took away from us, The Goblin King, aka Mr. Starman himself and the uniquely talented Alan Rickman. Their loss has been heartfelt and felt throughout many many mediums, countries, cities, etc. And who could blame us? Both were absolutely beyond talented, and any acollade that I can think of would not do them any justice, whatsoever. And, as many of you can see, I took a while to post (yet again) not so much because I didn't want to or would have liked to, but out of respect for not only talented artists, but for their grieving families, as well. I know many mediums reported on this because it is their jobs to bring the latest news, but this is my hobby, not my job. I like reaching whoever likes to read my comments, reviews and overall ideas that are floatng inside my head. But I do underst...
SoCal Geek living the East coast life