Ok, in all fairness, you must be warned: this is a sort of gripe-y post, and these are just my personal problems with what DC is doing so far with it's direction in t.v. & film wise. Let it be known that, I am absolutely enjoying the New 52, and there is not much to complain about. So, here I go! DC, what are you doing?! (points accusatory finger) First I would like to address the fact that there are fantastic things that you are doing with your t.v. shows ( Flash & Arrow) , which I could be as thrilled with Gotham. I must admit that I have been hooked by The Flash and Arrow. I watched the premier of The Flash and from the get go, I absolutely freakin' enjoyed it, and I wish that it was only a longer show. I seriously love the nods to the comics, and I love the casting that was done for the show and the character development. Same goes for Arrow , I seriously feel like each episode is like me going to new comic book Wednesday and ac...
SoCal Geek living the East coast life