Not so long ago, I finally caught up to season 3 of Once Upon a Time, and as many of you know, at the very end there was an unexpected, yet very much talked about appearance from a much beloved character, who for sake of spoilers, shall remain nameless. So many things in the last season left me shocked, grief stricken, and all over season 3 gave me so many different kinds of feels, that I cannot possibly enumerate. But one of the feels that this last season did profoundly affect me was how Regina/The Evil Queen cannot get a break!!! I seriously felt for her in the last episode and of all the characters in Storybrooke,, she is one of the few who whole heartedly deserves some slack and a happily ever after. Don't agree? Tis' ok, we can all agree & disagree, but in my personal viewpoint, I honestly think she very much deserves it. When I first started watching OUAT, season 1, I absolutely did not like Regina, but as weird as it may sound, I never truly thou...
SoCal Geek living the East coast life