Recently, infuriated 'fan boys' have been getting their panties in a bunch because, there was a photo shown of the re-boot Netflix She-ra that is coming in November, and they've all lost their cool. So, many of them are b*tching about how the new iteration, drawn and helmed by none other than Noelle Stevenson, isn't the 80s' She-ra we all grew up with. Polygon This "new" She-ra isn't voluptious, curvy nor eye candy for thirsty 'neckbeards' whom only think that a cartoon female has one sole purpose, and that is to have them drool over her. I saw the infamous picture and you know what, at first, my reaction was (to be honest) "hmmm, she's different" but I wasn't "ewww, that's not She-ra!!!" I am proud that Stevenson and Netflix have come up with this new version of her. She's not curvy nor sensual, but she looks fierce, dignified. This is definitely a character that I would love my daughter to gro...
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